Multiple Choice 解析8
The usual color of dolphins varies from black to grayish white which allows them to blend well with their underwater surroundings. However, there are also pink dolphins, which may come as a surprise to many.Sightings of albino sea dolphins with pink skin and red eyes have been noted.In the Amazon, pink freshwater dolphins, which are distant cousins of sea dolphins, are found.Pink dolphins of the Amazon are called Boto or Amazon River dolphins.The pink color of the Boto's skin is due to the abundant capillaries near the surface of the dolphin's skin and the high iron content of the Amazon River.Botos are highly intelligent and curious dolphins.Passage8介绍粉红色皮肤的海豚,而不是我们普遍所知道的黑色或灰色海豚。文章具体说明栖息在亚马孙地区的海豚“Boto”的肤色为粉色的原因。
●Question 分析与答案
Which of the foIIowing is a reason for the pink coIoration of the Amazon River doIphin?
A. The insignificant amount of iron in the rivers of the Amazon
B. The significant levels of iron in the waters of the Amazon
C. The abundance of capillaries in the animals that feed on Boto dolphins
D. The significant amount of capillaries in the skins of the fish in the Amazon River
Question提问的是栖息在亚马孙河的海豚(Boto)肤色呈粉色的原因(reason)。文章的倒数第二句中可以找到两种原因(很多的毛细血管与亚马孙河中的铁成分)。选项B符合文章提及的第二种原因,故为正确答案。选项A的内容与选项B相反,选项C, D文章中未提及相关内容。

词汇巩固vary不同,变化 grayish呈灰色的 bIend混,混合 sighting观察 freshwater淡水 distant远 abundant丰富的,充足 capiIIary毛细管的 curious好奇的 insignificant不重要的,不足道 significant重要的 feed喂,喂养