Practical UX Design

Chapter 2. Creative UX

Let's go a little deeper now and talk about another important area of focus for the practical UX practitioner: creativity. Developing a UX mindset is essential to better design work because it allows you to see things differently, which in turn will allow you to design differently, leading to more creative solutions on a consistent basis. Of course, we all want to be our most creative selves most of the time, but in the working world we also have to deal with deadlines, meetings, office politics, and other distractions that can make creativity a major challenge and negatively affect your solutions and subsequent designs. The key, therefore, is to find a balance between creativity and decisiveness, two mindsets or modes that can often be at odds. By following some steps, inspired by someone who knows, you will be able to switch between these two modes more easily and more effectively.

In this chapter, we will look at:

  • The essential mindset for creativity
  • The six conditions needed for creativity
  • Applying creativity to UX design