Hadoop 2.x Administration Cookbook

Loading data in HDFS

It is important to make sure that the cluster is working fine and the user can perform file operations on the cluster.

Getting ready

Log in to any of the nodes in the cluster. It's best to use the edge node, as stated in Chapter 1, Hadoop Architecture and Deployment, and switch to user hadoop.

Create a simple text file named file1.txt using any of your favorite text editors, and write some content in it.

How to do it...

  1. Connect to the client1.cluster1.com edge node and switch to the hadoop user.
  2. Copy the file1.txt file to HDFS, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  3. The user can check for the status of a file, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  4. The user can make sure that the file exists and its type is correct, as shown in the following screenshot. The user can execute the commands to see the sub options:
    $ hadoop fs (and hit enter to see the options)

How it works...

Steps 2 and 3 create a simple text file on the local filesystem and then copy it to HDFS to make sure that the storage layer of Hadoop is working correctly. If there are errors in copying files, make sure the daemons are up and running. This can be done by using the jps command.