How to do it...
Cameras commonly take a larger image than will fit on a video. You can create a motion-picture pan using the convert application to extract sections of a large image, and stitch them together into a video file with mencoder:
$> makePan.sh # Invoke as: # sh makePan.sh OriginalImage.jpg prefix width height xoffset yoffset # Clean out any old data rm -f tmpFiles # Create 200 still images, stepping through the original xoffset and yoffset # pixels at a time for o in `seq 1 200` do x=$[ $o+$5 ] convert -extract $3x$4+$x+$6 $1 $2_$x.jpg echo $2_$x.jpg >> tmpFiles done #Stitch together the image files into a mpg video file mencoder mf://@tmpFiles -mf fps=30 -ovc lavc -lavcopts \ vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -noskip -o $2.mpg