This is a free scanning tool made and distributed by Tenable Network Security. It is among the best network scanners and has bagged several awards for being the best vulnerability scanner for white hats. Nessus has several functionalities that may come in handy for an attacker doing internal reconnaissance. The tool can scan a network and show connected devices that have misconfigurations and missing patches. The tool also shows the devices that are using their default passwords, weak passwords, or have no passwords at all.
The tool can recover passwords from some devices by launching an external tool to help it with dictionary attacks against targets in the network. Lastly, the tool is able to show abnormal traffic in the network, which can be used to monitor DDoS attacks. Nessus has the ability to call to external tools to help it achieve extra functionality. When it begins scanning a network, it can call to NMap to help it scan for open ports and will automatically integrate the data that NMap collects. Nessus is then able to use this type of data to continue scanning and finding out more information about a network using commands scripted in its own language. The following diagram shows a screenshot of Nessus displaying a scan report: