Spring AOP terminology and concepts
AOP, like every technology, has its own terminologies. It has its own vocabulary. Spring uses the AOP paradigm in its Spring AOP module. However, Spring AOP has its own terminologies that are Spring-specific. To understand Spring AOP terms, let's look at the following diagram:

Spring AOP terminologies and concepts
Let's understand each concept of Spring AOP mentioned in the preceding diagram:
- Join Point: A point defined in the execution of our program. This execution could be method invocation, exception handling, class initialization, or object instantiation. Spring AOP supports method invocation only. In case we want a join point for anything other than method invocation, we can use Spring and AspectJ together. We will walk through AspectJ later in this chapter.
- Advice: A definition of what exactly needs to be done at the join point. Different types of advice are @Before, @After, @Around, @AfterThrowing, and @AfterReturning. We will see them in action in the Types of advice section.
- Pointcut: A collection of join point used to define an advice that has to be executed. An advice is not necessarily applied to all join points, so pointcut gives fine-grained control over an advice that is to be executed on components in our application. Pointcuts are defined using an expression and Spring uses the AspectJ pointcut expression language. We will shortly see how this is done.
- Aspect: The combination of advice and pointcuts that defines logic in an application and where it should execute. Aspect is implemented using the regular class annotated with the @Aspect annotation. This annotation is from Spring AspectJ support.
That's too much theory, isn't it? Now, let's pe into how to apply these Spring AOP concepts in real programming. You might have implemented these AOP concepts in your projects; however, did you know the background of why it was needed? No, so now you know why we need Spring AOP.
Since Spring 2.0, AOP implementation is made simpler using the AspectJ pointcut language defined either in the schema-based approach (XML) or annotations. We will discuss Spring 2.0 AspectJ support with annotations further in this chapter.