Managing distribution groups
In many Exchange environments, distribution groups are relied upon heavily and require frequent changes. This recipe will cover the creation of distribution groups and how to add members to groups, which might be useful when performing these tasks interactively in the shell or through automated scripts.
How to do it...
- To create a distribution group use the
cmdlet:New-DistributionGroup -Name Sales
- Once the group has been created, adding multiple members can be done easily using a one-liner:
Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit Sales | Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Sales
- We can also create distribution groups whose memberships are set dynamically:
New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name Accounting ` -Alias Accounting ` -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers,MailContacts ` -OrganizationalUnit Accounting ` -ConditionalDepartment accounting,finance ` -RecipientContainer contoso.com
How it works...
There are two types of distribution groups that can be created with Exchange. First, there are regular distribution groups, which contain a distinct list of users. Secondly, there are dynamic distribution groups, whose members are determined at the time a message is sent based on a number of conditions or filters that have been defined. Both types have a set of cmdlets that can be used to add, remove, update, enable, or disable these groups.
By default, when creating a standard distribution group, the group scope will be set to Universal
. You can create a mail-enabled security group using the New-DistributionGroup
cmdlet by setting the -Type
parameter to Security
. If you do not provide a value for the -Type
parameter, the group will be created using the Distribution
group type.
You can mail-enable an existing Active Directory universal distribution group using the Enable-DistributionGroup
After creating the Sales distribution group in our previous example, we added all of the mailboxes in the Sales OU to the group using theAdd-DistributionGroupMember
cmdlet. You can do this in bulk or for one user at a time using the –Member
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Sales -Member administrator
Distribution groups are a large topic and we're merely covering the basics here. See Chapter 5, Distribution Groups and Address Lists for in-depth coverage of distribution groups.
Dynamic distribution groups determine their membership based on a defined set of filters and conditions. When we created the Accounting distribution group, we used the -IncludedRecipients
parameter to specify that only the MailboxUsers
and MailContacts
object types would be included in the group. This eliminates resource mailboxes, groups, or mail users from being included as members. The group will be created in the Accounting OU based on the value used with the -OrganizationalUnit
parameter. Using the –ConditionalDepartment
parameter, the group will only include users that have a department setting of either Accounting or Finance. And finally, since the -RecipientContainer
parameter is set to the FQDN of the domain, any user located in the Active Directory could potentially be included in the group. You can create more complex filters for dynamic distribution groups using a recipient filter; see the recipe titled Working with Recipient Filters later in this chapter for an example.
You can modify both group types using the Set-DistributionGroup
and Set-DynamicDistributionGroup
There's more...
Just as when dealing with other recipient types, there are a couple of considerations that should be taken when it comes to removing distribution groups. You can remove the Exchange attributes from a group using the Disable-DistributionGroup
cmdlet. The Remove-DistributionGroup
cmdlet will remove the group object from the Active Directory and Exchange.
See also
- Working with recipient filters
- Reporting on distribution group membership in Chapter 5, Distribution Groups and Address Lists
- Adding members to a distribution group from an external file in Chapter 5, Distribution Groups and Address Lists
- Previewing dynamic distribution group membership in Chapter 5, Distribution Groups and Address Lists