三 思路与框架
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[16] 转引自〔美〕杰奎斯·克莱默、德贾瓦德·沙雷西-伊斯法哈里《石油市场模型》,王芳译,北京大学出版社,2004,第70页。
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[30] J. Cremer and M.L. Weitzman,“OPEC and the Monopoly Price of World Oil,” European Economic Review,Vol.8,No.2,1976,pp.155-164;E. Hnyilicza and R. S. Pindyck,“Pricing Policies for a Two-Part Exhaustible Resource Cartel:the Case of OPEC,” European Economic Review,Vol.8,No.2,1976,pp.139-154;A. Ezzati,“Future OPEC Price and Production Strategies as Affected its Capacity to Absorb Oil Revenues,” European Economic Review,Vol.8,No.2,1976,pp.107-138;R.S. Pindyck,“Gains to Producer from the Cartelization of Exhaustible Resource,” Review of Economics and Statistics,Vol.60,No.2,1978,pp.238-251;G. Daly,J.M. Griffin and H.B. Steele,“Recent Oil Price Escalations:Implications for OPEC Stability,” in James M. Griffin and David D. Teece eds.,OPEC Behaviour and World Oil Prices,London:Allen & Unwin.Verleger,1982,pp.145-174.
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[35] James M. Griffin and H. B. Steele,Energy Economics and Policy,New York:Academic Press,1980,pp.155-160;M. A. Adelman,“OPEC as a Cartel,” in James M. Griffin and David D. Teece eds.,OPEC Behaviour and World Oil Prices,London:Allen & Unwin.Verleger,1982,pp.37-63.
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[54] 转引自〔美〕杰奎斯·克莱默、德贾瓦德·沙雷西-伊斯法哈里《石油市场模型》,王芳译,北京大学出版社,2004,第65页。