1.4 New Words&Phrases&Sentences
1.4.1 New Words
1. volume n. 体积;容积;容量;量;额;音量;响度
2. variety n. (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化
3. veracity n. 真实;准确;诚实
4. inhibit v. 阻止;阻碍;抑制;使拘束;使尴尬
5.interrogate v. 讯问;审问;盘问;(在计算机或其他机器上)查询,询问
6.architecture n. 建筑学;建筑风格;架构
7. velocity n. 速度,速率
8. analytics n. 分析学,解析学,分析论
9. TeraByte n. 太字节
10.fantastic adj. 极好的;了不起的;很大的;大得难以置信的;怪诞的;荒诞不经的;富于想象的
11.accumulate v. 积聚,堆积
12. ExaByte n. 艾字节
13.phenomenon n. 现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物)
14.characteristic adj. 典型的;独特的;特有的n. 特征;特点;品质
1.4.2 Phrases
1. data warehouse 数据仓库
2. according to 根据
3. to be considered 待考虑
4. data cleansing 数据清洗
5. as well as 以及
6. accumulate within 在……范围内累积
7. be generated in 生成于
8. be supported by 由……支持
9. be defined as 被定义为
10. as demonstrated 如……所示
11. apart from 除了……
12. distributed computing system 分布式计算系统
13. makes it difficult for 使……很难
14. business operation 商业运营
15. drive attention 引起注意
1.4.3 Sentences
1. At the same time,the rapid development of Sensor Networks,the Internet of Things,Social Networks and other technologies has led to the explosive growth of data scale.同时,传感器网络、物联网、社交网络等技术的快速发展导致数据规模出现爆发式增长。
2. Energy,transportation,health care,finance,retail and other industries have also generated a large number of data,accumulating TeraBytes and PetaBytes of Big Data.能源、交通、医疗卫生、金融、零售等行业也有大量数据不断产生,积累了TB级、PB级的大数据。
3. There is no explicit definition of how big a data set should be.New technology needs to be in place to manage this Big Data phenomenon.还没有对大数据的数据集大小做出明确的定义。必须采用新技术来管理这种大数据现象。
4. For a data set to be considered Big Data,it must possess one or more characteristics that require accommodation in the solution design and architecture of the analytic environment.作为大数据的数据集必须具有一个或多个特征,这些特性需要在分析环境的解决方案设计和体系结构中进行调整。
5. Ultimately,the goal is to conduct analysis of the data in such a manner that high-quality results are delivered in a timely manner,which provides optimal value to the enterprise.从根本上讲,目标是通过对数据进行分析的方式来及时交付能够为企业带来最佳价值的高质量结果。
6. The anticipated volume of data that processed by Big Data solutions is substantial and ever-growing.大数据解决方案处理的预期数据量非常大且还在不断增长。
7. In Big Data environments,data can arrive at fast speed,and enormous data sets can accumulate within very short periods of time.在大数据环境下,数据可以快速到达,巨大的数据集可以在很短的时间内积累起来。
8. Coping with the fast inflow of data requires the enterprise to design highly elastic and available data processing solutions and corresponding data storage capabilities.为了应对快速的数据流入,企业需要设计高度灵活且可用的数据处理解决方案,并具备相应的数据存储能力。
9. Data that is acquired in a controlled manner,for example via online customer registrations,usually contains less noise than data acquired via uncontrolled sources,such as blog postings.以受控方式(如通过在线客户注册)获取的数据通常比以非受控方式(如博客帖子)获取的数据包含的噪声更少。
10. Value is also dependent on how long data processing takes,because analytics results have a shelf-life.因为分析结果存在保质期,所以价值还取决于处理数据所需的时间。