6.4 临床检查名词
0.1秒口腔闭合压 mouth occlusion pressure at 0.1s after onset of inspiratory effort
0.5秒用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in half second
25%潮气容积呼气流量 tidal expiratory flow at 25% of tidal volume
25%潮气容积呼气流量与潮气呼气峰流量比值 ratio of tidal expiratory flow at 25% of tidal volume to PTEF
2秒用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in two seconds
3秒用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in three seconds
50%潮气容积呼气流量 tidal expiratory flow at 50% of tidal volume
6分钟步行试验 six minutes walking test
6秒用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in six seconds
75%潮气容积呼气流量 tidal expiratory flow at 75% of tidal volume
CT肺动脉造影 computed tomographic pulmonary angiography
X射线 X ray
β-D-葡聚糖检测 β-D-glucan test
半乳甘露聚糖抗原试验 galactomannan antigen test
比气道阻力 specific airway resistance
比顺应性 specific compliance
闭合容积 closing volume
闭合容积曲线 closing volume curve
闭合容量 closing capacity
标准肺容积轨迹 standard lung volume history
标准缓冲碱 standard buffer base
标准碱剩余 standard base excess
标准碳酸盐 standard carbonate
表面张力 surface tension
屏气时间 breath holding time
屏气试验 breath holding test
波形图监测 waveform monitoring
博格评分 Borg scale
补呼气量 expiratory reserve volume
补吸气量 inspiratory reserve volume
残气量 residual volume
残总气量百分比 ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity
侧位肺功能 lateral position pulmonary function
潮气呼气峰流量 peak tidal expiratory flow
潮气呼吸流量-容积曲线 tidal breathing flow-volume curve
潮气量 tidal volume
触发时间 triggering time
磁共振成像 magnetic resonance imaging
达峰容积 volume at peak tidal expiratory flow
达峰容积比 ratio of volume at peak tidal expiratory flow to expiratory tidal volume
达峰时间 time to peak tidal expiratory flow
达峰时间比 ratio of time to peak tidal expiratory flow to total expiratory time
大气二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in atmosphere
大气二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in atmosphere
代谢当量 metabolic equivalent
蛋白质呼吸商 respiratory quotient of protein
氮浓度Ⅲ相斜率 Ⅲ-phase slope of nitrogen concentration
道格拉斯气袋法 Dagalas bag method
等二氧化碳过度通气激发试验 iso-capnic hyperventilation provocation test
等容积压力-流量曲线 isovolume pressure-flow curve
等渗压 isotonicity
低渗压 hypoosmolality
低位拐点 lower inflection point
低位拐点容积 volume of lower inflection point
低位拐点压力 pressure of lower inflection point
低位平坦段 lower flat part
低氧激发试验 hypoxia challenge test
低氧通气应答 hypoxic ventilatory response
第1秒用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in one second
第1秒用力呼气容积下降20%激发剂量 dose of bronchoconstrictor trigger which causes a fall of 20% in FEV1
第1秒用力呼气容积下降20%激发浓度 provocative concentration of bronchoconstrictor trigger needed to cause a 20% fall in FEV1
电子支气管镜 electronic bronchoscope
动脉-混合静脉血氧含量差 arterio-mixed venous oxygen content difference
动脉-静脉血氧含量差 arterio-venous oxygen content difference
动脉血二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
动脉血气 arterial blood gas
动脉血气分析 arterial blood gas analysis
动脉血气体总压 total pressure of gas in arterial blood
动脉血酮体比 arterial ketone body ratio
动脉血氧饱和度 arterial oxygen saturation
动脉血氧分压 arterial partial pressure of oxygen
动脉血氧含量 oxygen content in arterial blood
动脉血氧运输量 oxygen delivery in arterial blood
动态肺顺应性 dynamic lung compliance
动态呼吸环 dynamic respiratory loop
动态呼吸系统顺应性 dynamic compliance of respiratory system
动态顺应性 dynamic compliance
动态顺应性20 dynamic lung compliance at 20 times per minute of respiratory frequency
动态顺应性40 dynamic lung compliance at 40 times per minute of respiratory frequency
动态顺应性60 dynamic lung compliance at 60 times per minute of respiratory frequency
动态胸廓顺应性 dynamic chest wall compliance
多导睡眠图 polysomnography
多器官功能障碍评分 multiple organs dysfunction score
二氧化碳波形图 capnogram
二氧化碳产生量 carbon dioxide output
二氧化碳解离曲线 carbon dioxide dissociation curve
二氧化碳排出量 carbon dioxide discharge
二氧化碳通气当量 ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide
非蛋白呼吸商 non-protein respiratory quotient
非频率依赖性动态顺应性 non-frequency dependence of dynamic compliance
非碳酸盐缓冲碱 buffer base except bicarbonate
非特异性支气管激发试验 non specific bronchial provocation test
肺动脉平均压 mean pulmonary artery pressure
肺动脉收缩压 pulmonary artery systolic pressure
肺动脉舒张压 pulmonary artery diastolic pressure
肺动脉楔压 pulmonary artery wedge pressure
肺动脉压 pulmonary artery pressure
肺二氧化碳弥散量 diffusion capacity of carbon dioxide of lung
肺功能 pulmonary function
肺功能检查 pulmonary function test
肺功能检查仪 pulmonary function test apparatus
肺惯性阻力 lung inertia resistance
肺灌注显像 pulmonary perfusion imaging
肺活量 vital capacity
肺间质负压 pulmonary interstitial negative pressure
肺间质压 pulmonary interstitial pressure
肺静脉压 pulmonary venous pressure
肺量计法 spirometry
肺毛细血管静水压 pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure
肺毛细血管跨壁压 pulmonary capillary transmural pressure
肺毛细血管临界开放压 pulmonary capillary critical opening pressure
肺毛细血管血氧饱和度 oxygen saturation in pulmonary capillary blood
肺毛细血管血氧分压 pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen
肺毛细血管血氧含量 oxygen content in pulmonary capillary blood
肺弥散量 diffusion capacity of lung
肺泡表面张力 alveolar surface tension
肺泡-动脉血氧分压差 alveolar-artery oxygen partial pressure gradient
肺泡气二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas
肺泡气二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in alveolar gas
肺泡通气量 alveolar ventilation volume
肺泡通气量-动脉血二氧化碳分压关系曲线 alveolar ventilationpartial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood curve
肺泡压 alveolar pressure
肺泡氧分压 alveolar oxygen partial pressure
肺泡氧浓度 fractional concentration of alveolar oxygen
肺顺应性 lung compliance
肺弹性阻力 lung elastance
肺通气显像 lung ventilation imaging
肺血管内压 intrapulmonary blood vessel pressure
肺血管外压力 pressure outside pulmonary blood vessel
肺血管阻力 pulmonary vascular resistance
肺血流量 pulmonary blood flow
肺血容积 pulmonary blood volume
肺压力-容积曲线 pressure-volume curve of lung
肺氧弥散量 diffusion capacity of oxygen of lung
肺一氧化碳弥散量 diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide of lung
肺脏介入技术 interventional pulmonary technique
肺总量 total lung capacity
肺阻力 lung resistance
肺组织黏性阻力 lung tissue viscous resistance
分侧肺功能 separate pulmonary function
分次肺活量 fractional vital capacity
高二氧化碳通气应答 hypercapnic ventilatory response
高乳酸时间 lactime
高渗盐水激发试验 hypertonic saline provocation test
高位拐点 upper inflection point,high inflection point
高位拐点容积 volume of upper inflection point
高位拐点压力 pressure of upper inflection point
高位平坦段 upper flat part
格拉斯哥昏迷量表 Glasgow coma scale
膈肌肌电图 diaphragmatic electromyogram,diaphragmatic EMG
膈肌耐受时间 diaphragmatic muscle endurance time
膈肌张力时间指数 diaphragmatic tension-time index
功能残气量 functional residual capacity
功能残气量肺总量百分比 ratio of functional residual volume to total lung capacity
功能性血流动力学监测 functional hemodynamic monitoring
氦氧流量-容积曲线 maximal expiratory flow-volume curve with heliox mixture
呼气潮气容积 tidal volume,expiratory tidal volume
呼气负压技术 negative expiratory pressure
呼气流量-容积曲线 expiratory flow-volume curve
呼气末二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
呼气末二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of end-tidal carbon dioxide
呼气末肺容量 end-expiratory lung volume
呼气末氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in end-tidal gas
呼气末氧浓度 fractional concentration of oxygen in end-tidal gas
呼气时间 expiratory time
呼气相气道阻力 airway resistance at expiratory phase
呼气相时间 expiratory phase time
呼气相压力 expiratory positive airway pressure
呼气压力坡度 expiratory pressure slope
呼气中期流量 mid-expiratory flow
呼吸波形 respiratory waveform
呼吸储备 breathing reserve
呼吸功 work of breathing
呼吸困难指数 dyspnea index
呼吸气体交换率 respiratory exchange ratio
呼吸商 respiratory quotient
呼吸系统动态阻力 respiratory dynamic resistance
呼吸系统惯性阻力 respiratory inertial resistance
呼吸系统静态阻力 respiratory static resistance
呼吸系统黏性阻力 respiratory viscous resistance
呼吸系统顺应性 respiratory system compliance
呼吸系统弹性阻力 respiratory elastance
呼吸系统压力-容积曲线 pressure-volume curve of respiratory system
呼吸形式 breathing pattern
呼吸指数 respiratory index
呼吸周期 respiratory cycle
呼吸总阻抗 impedance
化学结合二氧化碳 bound carbon dioxide
缓冲碱 buffer base
混合呼出气二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed expired gas
混合呼出气二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in mixed expired gas
混合呼出气氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in mixed expired gas
混合呼出气氧浓度 fractional concentration of oxygen in mixed expired gas
混合呼吸商 respiratory quotient of mixed food
混合静脉血氧饱和度 oxygen saturation in mixed venous blood
混合静脉血氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in mixed venous blood
混合静脉血氧含量 oxygen content in mixed venous blood
混合室法 mixing-bag method
机械通气监测 monitoring of mechanical ventilation
机械通气频率 frequency mechanical ventilation,mechanical ventilation frequency
基础肺容积 basal lung volume
基础肺容量 basal lung capacity
急性生理学和慢性健康状况评价 acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
急性生理学和慢性健康状况评价Ⅰ acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅰ
急性生理学和慢性健康状况评价Ⅱ acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ
急性生理学和慢性健康状况评价Ⅲ acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅲ
急性生理学和慢性健康状况评价Ⅳ acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅳ
计算机体层摄影 computed tomography
间接测定肺容量 indirectly measured lung volume
监测潮气容积 monitoring tidal volume
简明急性生理学评分 simplified acute physiology score
碱剩余 base excess
胶体渗透压 colloid osmotic pressure
阶梯试验 step exercise
结构参数图 structural parameter diagram
结合氧 combined oxygen
结核菌素试验 tuberculin test
经皮穿刺肺活检术 percutaneous lung biopsy
经皮动脉血氧饱和度 percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation
经皮动脉血氧分压 percutaneous arterial oxygen partial pressure
经胸壁针吸活检术 transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy
经支气管镜肺活检术 transbronchial lung biopsy
经支气管镜活检术 transbronchial biopsy
经支气管镜腔内超声 endobronchial ultrasonography
经支气管镜针吸活检术 transbronchial needle aspiration
晶体渗透压 crystal osmotic pressure
静动脉血分流率 ratio of shunted blood to total perfusion
静脉血氧饱和度 venous oxygen saturation
静脉血氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood
静脉血氧含量 venous oxygen content
静态肺顺应性 static lung compliance
静态呼吸系统顺应性 static compliance of respiratory system
静态顺应性 static compliance
静态胸廓顺应性 static chest wall compliance
静息肺血管张力 resting pulmonary vasomotor tone
静息肺血管阻力 resting pulmonary vascular resistance
静息每分钟通气量 minute ventilation at rest
静息血管张力 resting vasomotor tone
开放式氦稀释法 open helium dilution method
开放式氦稀释法开重复呼吸法 open helium dilution methodrebrea thing method
开放式氦稀释法开单次呼吸法 open helium dilution method-single breath method
可逆性气流受限 reversible airflow limitation
跨壁压 transmural pressure
跨肺压 transpulmonary pressure
跨膈压 transdiaphragmatic pressure
跨气道压 transairway pressure
跨胸壁压 transchest wall pressure
跨胸压 transthoracic pressure
临床肺部感染评分 clinical pulmonary infection score
流量波形 flow waveform
流量计法 flowmetery
流量监测 traffic monitoring,flow monitoring
流量流容积波形 flow-volume waveform
流量-容积曲线 flow-volume curve
流量受限指数 limited-flow index
流量型体积描记仪 integrated-flow body plethysmograph
六氟化硫稀释法 sulfur hexafluoride dilution
脉冲振荡技术 impulse oscillometry system
芒图试验异常 abnormal result of Mantoux test
毛细血管静水压 capillary hydrostatic pressure
毛细血管跨壁压 transmural pressure of capillary
毛细血管血氧饱和度 oxygen saturation in capillary blood
毛细血管血氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in capillary blood
毛细血管血氧含量 oxygen content in capillary blood
每搏氧耗量 oxygen pulse
每千克体重氧耗量 oxygen consumption per kg body weight
每升肺泡容积的一氧化碳弥散量 diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide per liter of alveolar volume
弥散系数 diffusion coefficient
密闭式氮稀释法 airtight nitrogen dilution
密闭式氮稀释法-重复呼吸法 airtight nitrogen dilution-rebreathing method
密闭式氮稀释法-单次呼吸法 airtight nitrogen dilution-single breath method
密闭式氦稀释法 airtight helium dilution method
密闭式氦稀释法-重复呼吸法 airtight helium dilution-rebreathing method
密闭式氦稀释法-单次呼吸法 airtight helium dilution-single breath method
摩擦阻力 frictional resistance
内呼吸法 intrabreath with trace gas CH4
脓毒症相关性器官功能衰竭评价 sepsis-related organ failure assessment
频率依赖性动态顺应性 frequency dependence of dynamic compliance
频谱分析图 spectroanalytic diagram
频谱微分均值图 intrabreath diagram
平均气道压 mean airway pressure
平均吸气流量 mean inspiratory flow
平台压 plateau pressure
剖胸探查 thoracic exploration
气道传导率 airway conductance
气道二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in airway
气道二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in airway
气道反应性 airway responsiveness
气道峰压 peak airway pressure
气道峰压与平台压差 difference between peak airway pressure and plateau pressure
气道高反应性 airway hyperresponsiveness
气道惯性阻力 airway inertial resistance
气道顺应性 airway compliance
气道弹性阻力 airway elastance
气道压 airway pressure
气道氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen in airway
气道氧浓度 fractional concentration of oxygen in airway
气道阻力 airway resistance
气流传导比值 specific airway conductance
气流传导比值下降35%激发剂量 provocative dose of PAF causing a 35% fall in sGaw
气流传导比值下降35%激发浓度 provocative concentration of PAF causing a 35% fall in sGaw
气流阻力呈流量依赖性 flow dependency of airflow resistance
气流阻力呈面积依赖性 area dependency of airflow resistance
气囊漏气试验 cuff leak trial
气速指数 air velocity index
气体分析法 air-analysis method
气体弥散速率 gas diffusion rate
气体陷闭容积 air trapping volume
器官功能障碍逻辑性评分 logistic organ dysfunction score
驱动压 driving pressure
全血碱剩余 blood base excess
容积波形 volume waveform
容积监测 volume monitoring
溶解二氧化碳 dissolved carbon dioxide
溶解系数 solubility coefficient
溶解氧 dissolved oxygen
乳酸清除率 clearance of lactic acid
摄氧量 oxygen uptake
深吸气量 inspiratory capacity
渗出液 exudate
渗透压 osmotic pressure
时间用力呼气容积 forced expiratory volume in certain second
实际呼吸频率 actual breathing frequency
实际缓冲碱 actual buffer base
实际碱剩余 actual base excess
实际碳酸氢盐 actual bicarbonate
实际吸呼气时间比 actual I/E ratio
实际吸气时间分数 actual fractional inspiratory time
食管内压 esophageal pressure
输出潮气容积 efferent tidal volume
顺应性 compliance
松弛压 relaxation pressure
送气时间 insufflation time
弹性阻力 elastic resistance
碳水化合物呼吸商 respiratory quotient of carbohydrate
碳酸氢盐 bicarbonate
碳酸盐 carbonate
碳酸盐缓冲碱 bicarbonate buffer base
特定呼吸频率顺应性 dynamic lung compliance at certain respiratory frequency
特异性支气管激发试验 specific bronchial provocation test
体积描记法 body plethysmography
体循环压力 systemic blood pressure
通气储量 reserve of ventilation
通气储量百分比 percentage of reserve of ventilation
通气失控 ventilation runaway
通气限制 ventilation limit
通气血流比例 ventilation perfusion ratio
通气应答 ventilatory response
外周阻力 peripheral resistance
微型混合室法 miniature mixed room method
未测定阳离子 undetermined cation
未测定阴离子 undetermined anion
无创脉搏氧饱和度法 non-invasive pulse oximetry
无混合室法 non-mixed room method
无效腔气量与潮气量比值 ratio of dead space to tidal volume
无效腔通气量 dead space ventilation
无氧阈 anaerobic threshold
吸纯氧时的肺泡-动脉血氧分压差 alveolar-artery oxygen partial pressure gradient when breathing oxygen
吸呼气时间比 inspiratory to expiratory ratio
吸空气时的肺泡-动脉血氧分压差 alveolar-artery oxygen partial pressure gradient when breathing air
吸气潮气容积 inspiratory tidal volume
吸气肺活量 inspiratory vital capacity
吸气峰流量 peak inspiratory flow
吸气流量 inspiratory flow
吸气末肺容量 end-inspiratory volume
吸气气流受限 inspiratory flow limitation
吸气时间 inspiratory time
吸气时间分数 fractional inspiratory time
吸气相气道阻力 airway resistance at inspiratory phase
吸气相时间 inspiratory phase time
吸气相压力 inspiratory positive airway pressure
吸气压力坡度 inspiratory pressure slope
吸入气二氧化碳分压 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in inspired gas
吸入气二氧化碳浓度 fractional concentration of carbon dioxide in inspired gas
吸入气氧分压 partial pressure of inspired oxygen
吸入气氧流量 inspired oxygen flow
吸入气氧浓度 fractional concentration of inspired oxygen
细胞损伤评分 cellular injury score
细胞外液碱剩余 extracellular fluid base excess
纤维支气管镜 flexible bronchoscope
线性功率递增试验 ramp test
小混合室法 small mixed room method
心输出量 cardiac output
胸部CT检查 chest computed tomography
胸部X线检查 chest X-ray
胸部超声检查 chest ultrasound
胸部磁共振成像 chest magnetic resonance imaging
胸廓惯性阻力 chest wall inertial resistance
胸廓黏性阻力 chest wall viscous resistance
胸廓顺应性 chest wall compliance
胸廓弹性阻力 chest wall elastance
胸廓压力-容积曲线 pressure-volume curve of chest wall
胸膜活检术 pleural biopsy
胸膜腔穿刺术 pleural puncture,thoracentesis
胸[膜]腔负压 intrapleural negative pressure
胸膜腔内压 intrapleural pressure
胸内气体容量 thoracic gas volume
胸腔镜检查 thoracoscopy
血管血压 blood pressure of blood vesse
血管张力 vasomotor tone
血红蛋白氧饱和度 hemoglobin oxygen saturation
血红蛋白氧含量 hemoglobin oxygen content
血红蛋白氧容量 hemoglobin oxygen capacity
血浆二氧化碳总量 total plasma carbon dioxide content
血浆渗透压间隙 plasma osmotic pressure gap
血流量 blood flow
血气 blood gas
血气分析 blood gas analysis
血容积 blood volume
血氧饱和度 blood oxygen saturation
血氧饱和度50%时的氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen at 50% hemoglobin saturation
血氧含量 blood oxygen content
血氧容量 blood oxygen capacity
压力波形 pressure waveform
压力监测 pressure monitoring
压力坡度 pressure gradient
压力-容积波形 pressure-vessel wave
压力型体积描记仪 variable-pressure constant-volume body plethysmograph
压缩容积指数 compressible volume factor
氧分压 partial pressure of oxygen
氧分压梯度分布 oxygen partial pressure graded distribution
氧耗量 oxygen consumption
氧合指数 oxygenation index
氧解离曲线 oxygen dissociation curve
氧通气当量 ventilatory equivalent for oxygen
一口气接一口气法 breath by breath method
一秒率 forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity
一氧化碳弥散量测定 CO diffusion capacity test
一氧化碳弥散量测定-重复呼吸法 CO diffusion capacity test-rebreathing method
一氧化碳弥散量测定-单次呼吸法 CO diffusion capacity test-single breath method
一氧化碳弥散量测定-恒定状态法 CO diffusion capacity test-steady state method
阴离子隙 anion gap
隐球菌抗原乳胶凝集试验 cryptococcal antigen latex agglutination test
荧光支气管镜 fluorescence bronchoscopy
硬质支气管镜 rigid bronchoscope
用力肺活量 forced vital capacity
用力呼出25%肺活量的呼气流量 forced expiratory flow at 25% of FVC exhaled
用力呼出50%肺活量的呼气流量 forced expiratory flow at 50% of FVC exhaled
用力呼出50%肺活量的呼气流量与吸气流量比值 ratio of maximum expiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity to maximum inspiratory flow at 50% of forced inspiratory vital capacity
用力呼出75%肺活量的呼气流量 forced expiratory flow at 75% of FVC exhaled
用力吸气肺活量 forced inspiratory vital capacity
用力依赖部分 effort-dependent part
有效顺应性 effective compliance
右房舒张末压 right atrial end-diastolic pressure
右心室跨壁压 right ventricular transmural pressure
运动负荷 exercise load
运动激发试验 exercising provocation test
运动心肺功能测试 cardiopulmonary exercise test
诊断性胸腔穿刺术 diagnostic thoracentesis
蒸馏水或高渗盐水激发试验 distilled water or hypertonic saline provocation test
蒸馏水激发试验 distilled water provocation test
正电子发射体层成像 positron emission tomography
支气管肺泡灌洗术 bronchoalveolar lavage
支气管肺泡灌洗液 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
支气管激发试验 bronchial provocation test
支气管镜检查术 bronchoscopy
支气管扩张试验 bronchodilator test
脂肪呼吸商 respiratory quotient of fat
直接测定肺容量 directly measured lung volume
治疗性胸腔穿刺术 therapeutic thoracentesis
中心静脉跨壁压 central venous pressure,central venous transmural pressure
中心静脉压 central venous pressure
中心阻力 central resistance
自主呼吸试验 spontaneous breathing test
总呼气末压力 total end expiratory pressure
总呼吸频率 total respiratory frequency
纵隔镜检查术 mediastinoscopy
阻抗潮气呼吸图 resistance-time diagram
阻抗容积图 resistance-volume diagram
阻力时间 resistant time
最大二氧化碳产生量 maximal carbon dioxide output
最大二氧化碳排出量 maximal carbon dioxide discharge
最大呼气流量 maximal expiratory flow
最大呼气流量-容积曲线 maximal expiratory flow-volume curve
最大呼气压 maximum expiratory pressure
最大咳嗽流量 peak cough expiratory flow
最大跨膈压 maximum transdiaphragmatic pressure
最大流量-容积曲线 maximal flow-volume curve
最大每千克体重氧耗量 maximal oxygen consumption per kg body weight
最大平台压 maximum plateau pressure
最大通气量计算值 calculated value of maximal voluntary ventilation
最大吸气流量 peak inspiratory flow
最大吸气流量-容积曲线 maximal inspiratory flow-volume curve
最大吸气压 maximal inspiratory pressure
最大心率储备 maximal heart rate reserve
最大氧耗量 maximal oxygen consumption
最大运动通气量 maximal exercise ventilation
最大自主通气量 maximal voluntary ventilation
最低平台压 minimal plateau pressure
左房舒张末压 left atrial end-diastolic pressure
左心室跨壁压 left ventricular transmural pressure