2.1 疾病诊断名词
Ⅰ型耳蜗分隔不全 cochlea incomplete partition type Ⅰ
Ⅱ型耳蜗分隔不全 cochlea incomplete partition type Ⅱ
Cogan综合征 Cogan syndrome
Flouren定律 Flouren law
Franconi综合征 Franconi syndrome
Lermoyez发作 Lermoyez attack
Norrie综合征 Norrie syndrome
Tumarkin耳石危象 Tumarkin otolithic crisis
Waardenburg综合征 Waardenburg syndrome
阿司匹林三联征 aspirin triad
鞍鼻 saddle nose
鞍内肿瘤 intrasellar tumor
鞍旁肿瘤 parasellar tumor
鞍上肿瘤 suprasellar tumor
半规管轻瘫 canal paresis
半面痉挛 hemifacial spasm [又称]阵挛性半面痉挛 △
爆震性聋 explosive deafness [又称]爆震聋 △,暴聋 △
杯状耳 cup ear
鼻白喉 nasal diphtheria
鼻孢子菌病 rhinosporidiosis
鼻背血管瘤 hemangioma of nasal dorsum
鼻背中线皮样囊肿及瘘管 median dermoid cyst of nasal dorsum/median fistula of nasal dorsum
鼻表皮开放性损伤 open injury of nasal epidermis
鼻部恶性肉芽肿 nasal malignant granuloma
鼻部恶性肿瘤 nasal malignant tumor [又称]鼻恶性肿瘤 △
鼻部感染 nasal infection
鼻部囊肿 nasal cyst [又称]鼻囊肿 △
鼻部脑膜瘤 nasal meningioma [又称]鼻颅沟通性脑膜瘤 △,鼻颅底沟通性脑膜瘤 △,鼻腔鼻窦脑膜瘤 △
鼻部皮肤恶性肿瘤 nasal skin malignant tumor
鼻部皮肤交界性肿瘤 nasal skin borderline tumor
鼻部皮肤良性肿瘤 nasal skin benign tumor
鼻出血 epistaxis [又称]鼻衄 △
鼻唇沟恶性肿瘤 nasolabial sulcus malignant tumor
鼻唇沟良性肿瘤 nasolabial sulcus benign tumor
鼻挫伤 nasal trauma [又称]鼻软组织挫伤 △
鼻道狭窄 rhinostenosis
鼻窦滴漏综合征 nasal sinus drip syndrome [又称]后鼻滴流综合征 △
鼻窦恶性肿瘤 nasal sinus neoplasm malignant neoplasm
鼻窦骨瘤 sinus osteoma [又称]鼻腔鼻窦骨瘤 △
鼻窦梅毒 sinus syphilis
鼻窦脓肿 sinus abscess
鼻窦气囊肿 sinus pneumatocele
鼻窦息肉 polyp of sinus
鼻窦炎 sinusitis
鼻恶性黑色素瘤 nasal malignant melanoma
鼻腭囊肿 nasopalatine cyst
鼻蜂窝织炎 nasal cellulitis
鼻骨恶性肿瘤 nasal bone malignant tumor
鼻骨骨折 nasal bone fracture
鼻骨结核 nasal bone tuberculosis
鼻骨良性肿瘤 nasal bone benign tumor
鼻骨塌陷 nasal bone collapses
鼻坏疽 cancrum nasi
鼻坏死 rhinonecrosis
鼻颊裂 nasobuccal cleft
鼻甲恶性肿瘤 turbinate malignant tumor
鼻甲肥大 turbinate hypertrophy
鼻甲良性肿瘤 turbinate benign tumor
鼻甲息肉 turbinate polyp
鼻甲粘连 turbinate adhesion
鼻尖过低 low nasal apex
鼻尖过高 exorbitant nasal apex
鼻疖 furuncle of nose
鼻结核 tuberculosis of nose
鼻睫神经痛 nasociliary neuralgia
鼻开放性损伤 nose open injury [又称]开放性鼻部损伤 △
鼻眶筛骨折 naso-orbital-ethmoid fractures
鼻溃疡 rhinelcos
鼻良性肿瘤 nasal benign tumor
鼻裂 bifid nose
鼻瘘 nasal fistula
鼻麻风 nasal leprosy
鼻脓肿 nasal abscess
鼻疱疹 nasal herpes
鼻皮样囊肿 nasal dermoid cyst
鼻平滑肌瘤 nasal leiomyoma
鼻前庭恶性肿瘤 nasal vestibular malignant tumor
鼻前庭良性肿瘤 nasal vestibular benign tumor
鼻前庭囊肿 nasal vestibular cyst
鼻前庭湿疹 nasal vestibular eczema
鼻浅表损伤 nasal superficial injury
鼻腔鼻窦继发性恶性肿瘤 rhinosinusal secondary malignant tumor
鼻腔鼻窦瘘 rhinosinusal fistula
鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤 rhinosinusal inverted papilloma
鼻腔鼻窦肉芽肿 rhinosinusal granuloma
鼻腔鼻窦血管瘤 rhinosinusal hemangioma
鼻腔鼻窦原位癌 rhinosinusal carcinoma in situ
鼻腔闭锁 nasal atresia
鼻腔及鼻窦异物 foreign body in nasal cavity and nasal sinus
鼻腔继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of nasal cavity
鼻腔交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of nasal cavity
鼻腔良性肿瘤 benign tumor of nasal cavity
鼻腔息肉 polyp of nasal cavity
鼻腔血管瘤 hemangioma of nasal cavity
鼻腔原位癌 carcinoma in situ of nasal cavity
鼻乳头状瘤 nasal papilloma
鼻软骨恶性肿瘤 nasal cartilage malignant tumor
鼻神经官能症 rhinoneurosis
鼻石 rhinolith
鼻损伤 nasal injury
鼻外伤 trauma of nose
鼻息肉 nasal polyp
鼻息肉病 nasal polyposis
鼻小柱缺损 nasal columella defect
鼻小柱塌陷 collapse of nasal columella
鼻性哮喘 nasal asthma [又称]过敏性鼻炎伴哮喘 △
鼻咽部恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
鼻咽部异物 foreign body of nasopharynx [又称]鼻咽异物 △
鼻咽淀粉样变性 nasopharyngeal amyloidosis [又称]鼻咽淀粉样变 △
鼻咽交界性肿瘤 nasopharyngeal borderline tumor
鼻咽囊肿 rhinopharyngocele
鼻咽息肉 nasopharyngeal polyp
鼻咽纤维瘤 nasopharyngeal fibroma
鼻咽血管瘤 nasopharyngeal hemangioma
鼻咽血管纤维瘤 nasopharyngeal angiofibroma [又称]鼻咽纤维血管瘤 △
鼻咽炎 nasopharyngitis
鼻咽蝇蛆病 nasopharyngeal myiasis
鼻咽原位癌 nasopharyngeal carcinoma in situ
鼻咽粘连 nasopharyngeal adhesion
鼻炎 rhinitis
鼻异物 nasal foreign body [又称]鼻内异物 △
鼻翼恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of nasal ala
鼻翼缺损 defect of nasal ala
鼻硬结病 rhinoscleroma
鼻痈 nasal carbuncle [又称]鼻部痈 △
鼻真菌病 rhinomycosis [又称]鼻霉菌病 △
鼻中隔穿孔 perforation of nasal septum
鼻中隔恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of nasal septum
鼻中隔骨折 fracture of nasal septum
鼻中隔坏死 necrosis of nasal septum
鼻中隔开放性损伤 open injury of nasal septum
鼻中隔溃疡 ulcer of nasal septum
鼻中隔良性肿瘤 benign tumor of nasal septum
鼻中隔毛细血管瘤 capillary hemangioma of nasal septum
鼻中隔脓肿 abscess of nasal septum
鼻中隔偏曲 deflection of nasal septum
鼻中隔脱位 dislocation of nasal septum
鼻中隔息肉 polyp of nasal septum
鼻中隔血肿 hematoma of nasal septum
鼻中隔粘连 adhesion of nasal septum
鼻赘 rhinophyma
闭合性喉外伤 closed trauma of larynx
扁桃体白喉 diphtheria of tonsil
扁桃体瘢痕 cicatrix of tonsil
扁桃体恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of tonsil
扁桃体肥大 hypertrophy of tonsil
扁桃体交界性肿瘤 tumor of tonsil borderline
扁桃体结核 tonsillar tuberculosis
扁桃体结石 tonsolith
扁桃体溃疡 ulcer of tonsil
扁桃体良性肿瘤 benign tumor of tonsil
扁桃体囊肿 tonsillar cyst
扁桃体鼠疫 tonsillar plague
扁桃体息肉 tonsillar polyp
扁桃体炎 tonsillitis
扁桃体增生 hyperplasia of tonsil
扁桃体肿物 tumor of the tonsil [又称]扁桃体肿瘤 △
扁桃体周围蜂窝织炎 peritonsillar cellulitis
扁桃体周围脓肿 peripheral abscess of tonsil [又称]扁周脓肿 △
变形鼓膜 distorted drum
变应性迷路炎 allergic labyrinthitis
病毒性咽炎 viral pharyngitis
病灶性扁桃体炎 focus tonsillitis
剥脱性食管炎 exfoliative esophagitis
不对称鼻尖 asymmetrical nasal tip
常染色体隐性遗传性聋 autosomal recessive hereditary deafness
陈旧性颈淋巴结核 old cervical lymph node tuberculosis
迟发性膜迷路积水 delayed endolymphatic hydrops
齿龈继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of gum
齿龈交界性肿瘤 gum borderline tumor
臭鼻症 ozena
出血性大疱性鼓膜炎 hemorrhagic bullous myringitis
垂体囊肿 hypophyseal cyst
锤骨固定 fixation of malleus
唇恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of lip [又称]唇恶性黑素瘤 △
唇恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of lip
唇黑色素细胞痣 melanocytic nevus of lip [又称]唇黑素细胞痣 △
唇红缘交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of vermilion border
唇继发恶性肿瘤 subsequent malignant neoplasm of lip
唇交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of lip
唇皮肤恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of lip skin
唇皮肤原位癌 lip skin carcinoma in situ
错听 otosis
大前庭水管综合征 large vestibular aqueduct syndrome [又称]前庭水管扩大症 △
大唾液腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland [又称]大涎腺恶性肿瘤 △
代谢性老年性聋 metabolic presbycusis
单鼻窦炎 single sinusitis
单侧不完全喉麻痹 unilateral incomplete laryngoparalysis
单侧不完全声带麻痹 unilatera incomplete vocal cord paralysis
单侧声带炎 unilateral vocal corditis
单侧完全腭裂 unilateral complete cleft palate [又称]单侧完全性腭裂 △
单侧完全喉麻痹 unilateral complete laryngoparalysis
单侧完全声带麻痹 unilateral complete vocal cord paralysis
单纯性鼻炎 simple rhinitis
单形性腺瘤 monomorphic adenoma
胆固醇性肉芽肿 cholesterin granuloma
胆脂瘤型中耳炎 cholesteatoma of middle ear [又称]中耳胆脂瘤 △
镫井喷 stapedial gusher
地方性甲状腺肿 endemic goiter
蝶窦囊肿 sphenoid sinus cyst
蝶窦脓肿 sphenoid sinus abscess
蝶窦息肉 sphenoid sinus polyp
蝶骨良性肿瘤 sphenoid bone benign tumor
毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿 diffuse goiter [又称]格雷夫斯病 △
额窦脓肿 frontal sinus abscess
额窦炎 frontal sinusitis
额骨恶性肿瘤 frontal bone malignant tumor
额骨良性肿瘤 frontal bone benign tumor
恶性副神经节瘤 malignant paraganglioma
腭继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of palate
腭交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of palate
腭舌弓恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch
耳部骨瘤 osteoma of ear
耳部皮肤交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of ear skin
耳带状疱疹 zoster oticus
耳毒性聋 ototoxic deafness [又称]药物性耳聋 △
耳后骨膜下脓肿 postauricular subperiosteal abscess
耳后瘘管 postauricular fistula
耳结缔组织恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of connective tissue of ear
耳郭发育不全 dysplasia of auricle
耳郭化脓性软骨膜炎 suppurative perichondritis of auricle [又称]化脓性耳廓软骨膜炎 △
耳郭浆液性软骨膜炎 serous perichondritis of auricle
耳郭肿瘤 neoplasm of auricula
耳聋 deafness
耳聋进行性骨化性肌炎综合征 Lutwak syndrome
耳聋-蓝巩膜-骨脆综合征 Van der Hoeve’s syndrome
耳聋-心电图异常综合征 deafness and electrocardiogram abnormal syndrome
耳轮结节性软骨皮炎 chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis
耳毛霉菌病 otomucormycosis
耳皮肤恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of ear skin
耳蜗未发育 cochlear aplasia
耳蜗性或迷路性耳硬化症 cochlear or labyrinthine otosclerosis
耳息肉 otopolyp [又称]中耳息肉 △
耳源性脑脓肿 otogenous brain abscess
耳源性颞骨内并发症 otogenous intratemporal complication
二期鼻梅毒 stage 2 of nasal syphilis
发音障碍 phonation disorder [又称]功能性发音障碍 △
樊尚咽峡炎 Vincent angina
放射性咽炎 radioactive pharyngitis
非变应性鼻炎伴嗜酸粒细胞增多综合征 eosinophilic nonallergic rhinitis
非流行性腮腺炎假瘤 non-epidemic parotitis pseudinoma [又称]腮腺炎性假瘤 △
非侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎 noninvasive fungal sinusitis
肥厚性鼻炎 hypertrophic rhinitis
弗雷综合征 Frey’s syndrome
腐蚀性食管炎 corrosive esophagitis
复发性多软骨炎 relapsing polychondritis
复发性前庭病 recurrent vestibulopathy
副耳 accessory auricle
副神经节瘤 paraganglioma
干酪性鼻炎 caseous rhinitis
干燥性喉炎 laryngitis sicca
干燥性咽炎 pharyngitis sicca
干燥综合征 Sjogren syndrome [又称]舍格伦综合征 △
感染性鼻咽炎 infectious nasopharyngitis
感染性喉炎 infectious laryngitis
感音神经性聋 sensorineural deafness
功能性发声障碍 functional voice disorder
共同腔畸形 common cavity deformity
骨纤维异常增殖症 fibrous dysplasia of bone [又称]骨纤维性结构不良 △
鼓膜钙化 calcification of tympanic membrane
鼓膜霉菌病 myringomycosis
鼓膜外伤性破裂 traumatic rupture of tympanic membrane
鼓室副神经节瘤 tympanic paraganglioma
鼓室积血 hematotympanum
鼓室体瘤 tympanic body tumor
管状鼻 proboscis-like nose
贯声门癌 transglottic carcinoma
过敏性鼻-支气管炎 allergic rhinobronchitis
过敏性咽喉炎 allergic pharyngolaryngitis
含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst
航空性聋 air craft deafness
颌骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of jaw
颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of jaw
颌骨交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of jaw
颌骨结核 tuberculosis of jaw
颌结缔组织继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of jaw connective tissue
颌开放性损伤 open injury of jaw
颌面部恶性肿瘤 maxillofacial malignant tumor
颌下良性肿瘤 submandibular benign tumor
颌下淋巴结结核 tuberculosis of submandibular lymph node
颌下慢性淋巴结炎 submandibular chronic lymphadenitis
颌下腺导管结石 lithiasis of submandibular gland duct
颌下腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland
颌下腺肥大 hypertrophy of submandibular gland
颌下腺混合瘤 mixed tumor of submandibular gland
颌下腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland
颌下腺结核 tuberculosis of submandibular gland
颌下腺良性增生 submandibular gland benign hyperplasia [又称]下颌下腺良性增生 △
颌下腺良性肿瘤 submandibular gland benign tumor
颌下腺淋巴管瘤 submandibular gland lymphangioma
颌下腺瘘 submandibular gland fistula [又称]下颌下腺瘘 △
颌下腺囊肿 submandibular gland cyst [又称]下颌下腺囊肿 △
颌下腺黏液囊肿 submandibular gland mucous cyst [又称]下颌下腺黏液囊肿 △
颌下腺炎 submaxillaritis
颌下肿物 neoplasm of jaw [又称]下颌下腺肿物 △
喉癌前病变 laryngeal precancerous lesion
喉白喉 laryngeal diphtheria
喉瘢痕性狭窄 cicatricial stricture of larynx
喉插管损伤 intubation trauma of larynx
喉挫伤 contusion of larynx
喉淀粉样变 amyloidosis of larynx
喉返神经麻痹 recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
喉蜂窝织炎 cellulitis of larynx
喉腐蚀伤 corrosive injury of larynx
喉感觉过敏 laryngeal hyperaesthesia
喉感觉麻痹 laryngeal sensory paralysis
喉坏死 necrosis of larynx
喉肌无力 laryngeal muscle weakness
喉挤压伤 crushing injury of larynx [又称]咽喉挤压伤 △
喉交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of larynx
喉角化不全症 parakeratosis of larynx
喉角化症 keratosis of larynx
喉结核 tuberculosis of larynx
喉开放性损伤 open injury of larynx
喉淋巴管瘤 lymphangioma of larynx
喉鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma of larynx
喉麻痹 laryngoparalysis
喉面杓状会厌褶原位癌 laryngeal surface arytenoid epiglottis folds carcinoma in situ
喉囊肿 laryngeal cyst
喉黏液囊肿 laryngeal mucocele
喉蹼 laryngeal web [又称]先天性喉蹼 △
喉气管闭锁 laryngotracheal atresia [又称]喉闭锁 △
喉气管挤压伤 laryngotracheal crush injury
喉气管支气管炎 laryngotracheobronchitis
喉肉芽肿 laryngeal granuloma
喉软骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage
喉软骨骨折 laryngeal fracture
喉软骨瘤 chondroma of larynx
喉软骨膜炎 perichondritis of larynx
喉上神经麻痹 superior laryngeal nerve paralysis
喉室肥厚 laryngeal ventricle hypertrophy
喉室脱垂 prolapse of laryngeal ventricle
喉室小囊 sacculus of larynx
喉水肿 edema of the larynx
喉损伤 injury of larynx
喉外恶性肿瘤 external laryngeal malignant tumor
喉外伤 larynx trauma
喉息肉 laryngeal polypus
喉狭窄 stenosis of larynx
喉纤维瘤 fibroma of larynx
喉腺瘤 adenoma of larynx
喉小囊黏液囊肿 mucocele of laryngeal saccule
喉血管瘤 hemangioma of larynx
喉咽恶性肿瘤 laryngopharynx malignant neoplasm
喉炎性肿物 inflammatory mass in larynx
喉异物 foreign body in larynx
喉蝇蛆病 laryngeal myiasis
喉晕厥 laryngeal syncope
喉肿物 laryngeal tumor
后鼻孔闭锁 atresia of posterior naris
后鼻孔息肉 choanal polyp
后天性外耳道闭锁 acquired atresia of external auditory canal
花粉症 pollinosis [又称]花粉病 △
化脓性鼻炎 purulent rhinitis,suppurative rhinitis
化脓性喉炎 suppurative laryngitis
化脓性腮腺炎 pyogenic parotitis
坏疽性鼻炎 gangrenous rhinitis
坏死性迷路炎 necrotizing labyrinthitis
环后癌 postcricoid carcinoma [又称]环后区恶性肿瘤 △
环咽肌失弛缓症 achalasia of cricopharyngeus muscle
环咽憩室 cricopharyngeal diverticulum
会厌交界性肿瘤 epiglottis borderline tumor
会厌良性肿瘤 epiglottic benign tumor
会厌囊肿 cyst of epiglottis
会厌脓肿 abscess of epiglottis
会厌肉芽肿 epiglottis granuloma
会厌炎 epiglottitis
急性鼻窦脓肿 acute sinus abscess
急性扁桃体炎 acute tonsillitis
急性蝶窦炎 acute sphenoid sinusitis
急性感染性咽炎 acute infective pharyngitis
急性梗阻性喉炎 acute obstructive laryngitis
急性喉气管炎 acute laryngotracheitis
急性喉炎 acute laryngitis
急性化脓性扁桃体炎 acute suppurative tonsillitis
急性化脓性甲状腺炎 acute suppurative thyroiditis
急性化脓性腮腺炎 acute purulent parotitis,acute suppurative parotitis
急性化脓性中耳炎 acute suppurative otitis media
急性坏死性中耳炎 acute necrotizing otitis media
急性卡他性扁桃体炎 acute catarrhal tonsillitis
急性溃疡性扁桃体炎 acute ulcerative tonsillitis
急性滤泡性扁桃体炎 acute follicular tonsillitis
急性侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎 acute invasive fungal sinusitis
急性筛窦炎 acute ethmoiditis
急性上颌窦炎 acute maxillary sinusitis
急性声门下喉炎 acute subglottic laryngitis
急性水肿性咽炎 acute edematous pharyngitis
急性腺样体炎 acute adenoiditis
急性咽炎 acute pharyngitis
脊索瘤 chordoma
继发性气管肿瘤 secondary tumor of trachea
寄生物性耳炎 otitis parasitica
颊部交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of cheek
颊部良性肿瘤 benign tumor of cheek
颊部血管瘤 hemangioma of cheek
颊和下颌区开放性损伤 open injury of buccal and mandibular areas
颊黏膜恶性肿瘤 buccal mucosa malignant neoplasm
颊黏膜继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa
颊黏膜良性肿瘤 benign tumor of buccal mucosa
颊龈沟恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of buccal groove
甲状旁腺囊肿 parathyroid gland cyst
甲状旁腺腺瘤 adenoma of parathyroid
甲状腺高功能腺瘤 thyroid gland hyperactive adenoma
甲状腺滤泡状癌 follicular carcinoma of thyroid
甲状腺囊肿 thyroid cyst
甲状腺未分化癌 undifferentiated carcinoma of thyroid gland
甲状腺腺瘤 thyroid adenoma
假声带恶性肿瘤 false vocal cord malignant neoplasm
假性动脉瘤 false aneurysm
浆细胞瘤 plasmacytoma
浆液性迷路炎 serous labyrinthitis
胶耳 glue ear
结节性甲状腺肿 nodular goiter
颈部蜂窝织炎 cervical cellulitis [又称]颈蜂窝织炎 △
颈部良性肿瘤 cervical benign tumor
颈部淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of cervical lymph node
颈部淋巴结结核 cervical lymphoid tuberculosis [又称]颈淋巴结结核 △
颈部囊性水瘤 cervical cystic hydroma [又称]颈囊性水瘤 △
颈部皮下气肿 cervical subcutaneous emphysema
颈部气管软骨骨折 cervical tracheal cartilage fracture
颈部神经鞘膜瘤 cervical neurilemmoma
颈动脉瘤 aneurysm of carotid artery
颈动脉体副神经节瘤 carotid body paraganglioma [又称]颈动脉副神经节瘤 △
颈段食管癌 cervical esophageal cancer [又称]颈段食管恶性肿瘤 △
颈交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of neck
颈静脉球副神经节瘤 glomus jugulare paraganglioma
颈静脉球瘤 glomus jugulare tumor
颈皮肤原位癌 neck skin carcinoma in situ [又称]颈部皮肤原位癌 △
颈性眩晕 cervical vertigo
颈-眼-耳三联征 cervico-oculo-acoustic triad
酒渣鼻 rosacea
局限性迷路炎 circumscribed labyrinthitis
巨鼻 macrorhinia
卡他性喉炎 catarrhal laryngitis [又称]喉炎 △
开放性咽损伤 open trauma of pharynx [又称]开放性咽部损伤 △
颏继发恶性肿瘤 chin secondary malignant neoplasm
颏下淋巴结结核 submental lymph node tuberculosis
颏下慢性淋巴结炎 submental chronic lymphadenitis [又称]慢性颏下淋巴结炎 △
颗粒性咽炎 granular pharyngitis
口腔恶性肿瘤 oral malignant neoplasm [又称]口恶性肿瘤
口腔继发恶性肿瘤 oral secondary malignant neoplasm
口腔黏膜恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of oral mucosa
口腔上颌窦瘘 oroantral fistula
眶骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of orbital bone
阔鼻 platyrrhiny
蓝鼓膜 blue drum [又称]蓝鼓膜综合征 △
老年性聋 presbycusis [又称]老年聋 △
梨状窝恶性肿瘤 sinus piriformis malignant neoplasm [又称]梨状窝癌 △
脸颊内部开放性损伤 cheek internal open injury
链球菌性扁桃体炎 streptococcal tonsillitis
链球菌性喉痛 streptococcus laryngalgia
链球菌性喉炎 streptococcal laryngitis
链球菌性咽峡炎 streptococcal angina
链球菌性咽炎 streptococcal pharyngitis
淋巴管瘤 lymphangioma
颅骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of skull
颅骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of skull
颅骨血管瘤 skull hemangioma
颅骨脂肪瘤 lipoma of skull
颅面囊肿 cranio-facial cyst
麻疹并发支气管炎 measles complicated by bronchitis [又称]麻疹支气管炎 △
慢性鼻窦炎 chronic rhinosinusitis
慢性鼻炎 chronic rhinitis
慢性扁桃体炎伴腺样体增生 chronic tonsillitis and adenoid hyperplasia [又称]扁桃体肥大伴有腺样体肥大 △
慢性单纯性咽炎 chronic simple pharyngitis
慢性肥厚性鼻炎 chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
慢性肥厚性喉炎 chronic hypertrophic laryngitis [又称]肥厚性喉炎 △
慢性肥厚性咽炎 chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis
慢性颌下腺炎 chronic submaxillaritis [又称]慢性下颌下腺炎 △
慢性喉气管支气管炎 chronic laryngotracheobronchitis
慢性喉痛 chronic laryngalgia
慢性喉炎 chronic laryngitis
慢性化脓性上颌窦炎 chronic suppurative maxillary sinusitis
慢性颈淋巴结炎 chronic cervical lymphadenitis
慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎 chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
慢性前庭神经炎 chronic vestibular neuritis
慢性侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎 chronic invasive fungal sinusitis
慢性腮腺炎 chronic parotitis
慢性筛窦炎 chronic ethmoidal sinusitis
慢性舌扁桃体炎 chronic lingual tonsillitis
慢性舌下腺炎 chronic sublingual gland inflammation
慢性萎缩性喉炎 chronic atrophic laryngitis
慢性萎缩性咽炎 chronic atrophic pharyngitis
慢性纤维性扁桃体炎 chronic fibrous tonsillitis
慢性纤维性甲状腺炎 chronic fibrous thyroiditis
慢性咽喉炎 chronic pharyngolaryngitis
慢性咽炎 chronic pharyngitis
慢性隐窝性扁桃体炎 chronic lacunar tonsillitis
慢性增生性扁桃体炎 chronic hyperplastic tonsillitis [又称]慢性扁桃体炎 △
慢性中耳炎 chronic otitis media
梅核气 globus hystericus
梅尼埃病 Meniere disease [又称]膜迷路积水 △
弥漫性外耳道炎 otitis externa diffusa
迷路窗膜破裂 rupture of labyrinthine window membrane
迷路后性聋 retrolabyrinthine deafness
迷走神经核激惹症状 vagus nerve nuclear irritation symptom
迷走锁骨下动脉畸形 vagus subclavian artery malformation
米库利奇病 Mikulicz disease [又称]米库利奇综合征 △,泪腺-唾液腺肥大综合征 △
米歇尔畸形 Michel dysplasia [又称]Michel畸形 △
面部及外鼻畸形 malformation of the face and nasus externus
面部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤 facial cutaneous malignant melanoma
面部皮肤恶性肿瘤 facial cutaneous malignant neoplasm
面裂囊肿 facial cleft cyst
面神经低垂 ptosis of facial nerve
面神经发育不良 facial nerve dysplasia
面神经损伤 facial nerve injury
面中部骨折 midface fracture
难治性慢性鼻窦炎 refractory chronic rhinosinusitis
脑脊液鼻漏 cerebrospinal rhinorrhea
脑脊液耳鼻漏 cerebrospinal oto-rhinorrhea
脑脊液耳漏 cerebrospinal otorrhea
脑膜瘤 meningioma
脑膜脑膨出 meningoencephalocele
内耳道肿瘤 internal auditory canal tumor
内耳恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of inner ear
内耳继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of inner ear
内分泌失调性鼻炎 dyscrinic rhinitis
内淋巴囊肿瘤 endolymphatic sac tumor
内陷囊袋 pocket retraction
黏膜高反应性鼻病 nasal mucosal hyperreactive rhinopathy
黏膜囊肿 mucosal cyst
颞部横纹肌肉瘤 temporal rhabdomyosarcoma
颞部结缔组织恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of temporal connective tissue
颞部皮肤恶性肿瘤 temporal cutaneous malignant tumor
颞部软骨母细胞瘤 chondroblastoma of temporal chondroblastoma
颞骨恶性肿瘤 temporal bone malignant neoplasm
颞骨骨纤维异常增殖症 temporal bone fibrous dysplasia
颞骨巨细胞瘤 giant cell tumor
钮形鼻 button-like nose
脓毒性咽峡炎 septic angina
疱疹性咽炎 herpetic pharyngitis
皮层性聋 cortical hearing loss
气管插管后喉水肿 laryngeal edema after tracheal intubation
气管开放性损伤 open injury of trachea [又称]开放性气管损伤 △
气管切开术后出血 hemorrhage after tracheotomy
气管造口术后气管食管瘘 tracheoesophageal fistula after tracheostomy
气管造瘘口狭窄 stenosis of tracheostomy site
气压损伤性中耳炎 aerotitis media
前鼻孔闭锁 atresia of anterior naris
前鼻孔狭窄 stenosis of anterior naris
前庭窗畸形 oval window deformity,fenestra vestibuli malformation
前庭神经炎 vestibular neuritis [又称]前庭神经元炎 △
前庭-外半规管发育不全 vestibular-lateral semicircular canal dysplasia
前庭药物中毒 vestibular drug-induced toxication
侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎 invasive fungal sinusitis
全鼻窦炎 pansinusitis
颧骨良性肿瘤 zygomatic bone benign tumour
缺铁性吞咽困难综合征 sideropenic dysphagia syndrome
妊娠期鼻肉芽肿 nasal granuloma in pregnancy
妊娠期鼻炎 rhinitis in pregnancy
肉芽性鼓膜炎 granular myringitis [又称]慢性肉芽性鼓膜炎 △
乳突脓肿 mastoid abscess
软腭鼻咽侧恶性肿瘤 nasopharyngeal cancer in the back of soft palate
腮腺/唾液腺潴留 parotid gland/salivary gland retention
腮腺导管结石 parotid duct calculus
腮腺多形性腺瘤 pleomorphic adenoma of parotid
腮腺混合瘤 mixed tumor of parotid
腮腺混合瘤恶变 malignant degeneration of mixed tumor of parotid
腮腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of parotid
腮腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of parotid
腮腺良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of parotid
腮腺淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of parotid lymph node
腮腺淋巴结结核 lymph node tuberculosis of parotid
腮腺瘘 fistula of parotid
腮腺囊肿 parotid cyst
腮腺肉芽肿性淋巴结炎 granulomatous lymphadenitis of parotid
腮腺腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma of parotid
腮腺血管瘤 hemangioma of parotid
腮腺原位癌 carcinoma in situ of parotid
腮腺脂肪浸润 fatty infiltration of parotid
腮腺脂肪瘤 lipoma of parotid
鳃裂恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft
赛贝畸形 Scheibe malformation
三叉神经瘤 trigeminal neuroma
三叉神经纤维瘤 trigeminal neurofibroma
三期鼻梅毒 stage 3 of nasal syphilis
筛窦恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus
筛窦内异物 foreign body in ethmoid sinus [又称]筛窦异物 △
筛窦炎 ethmoiditis
筛骨良性肿瘤 ethmoid bone benign neoplasm
上颚开放性损伤 open injury of palate
上鼓室胆脂瘤 attic cholesteatoma
上鼓室炎 atticitis
上颌窦后鼻孔息肉 antro-choanal polyp
上颌窦继发恶性肿瘤 maxillary sinus secondary malignant neoplasm
上颌窦良性肿瘤 maxillary sinus benign neoplasm
上颌窦内异物 foreign body in maxillary sinus [又称]上颌窦异物 △
上颌窦炎 maxillary sinusitis
上颌窦占位性病变 space occupying lesion of maxillary sinus
上颌窦肿物 maxillary sinus mass
上颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of maxillary bone
上颌骨良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of maxillary bone
上颌骨血管瘤 maxillary bone hemangioma
上呼吸道恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm in upper respiratory tract
上颊沟恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of upper buccal groove
上气道阻力综合征 upper airway resistance syndrome
舌扁桃体恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil
舌根腺瘤 adenoma of tongue root
舌口涎腺血管瘤 tongue and salivary gland hemangioma
舌下腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
舌下腺混合瘤 mixed neoplasm of sublingual gland
舌下腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
舌下腺良性肿瘤 sublingual gland benign neoplasm
舌下腺囊肿 sublingual gland cyst
舌下腺炎 hypoglossiadenitis
舌血管瘤 glossal hemangioma
神经纤维瘤病 neurofibromatosis
渗出性扁桃体炎 exudative tonsillitis
声带癌 vocal cord cancer
声带白斑 vocal leukoplakia
声带出血 vocal bleeding
声带淀粉样变 vocal amyloidosis
声带恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of vocal cord
声带肥厚 vocal hypertrophy
声带蜂窝织炎 vocal cellulitis
声带继发恶性肿瘤 second malignancy of vocal cord
声带角化症 keratinization of vocal cord
声带接触性肉芽肿 contact granuloma of vocal cord
声带结节 vocal tubercle
声带溃疡 ulcer of vocal cord
声带良性肿瘤 benign tumor of vocal cord
声带鳞状上皮不典型性增生 atypical hyperplasia of vocal cord squamous epithelium
声带囊肿 vocal cyst
声带黏膜白斑病 vocal mucosal leukoplakia
声带脓肿 vocal abscess
声带肉芽肿 granuloma of vocal cord
声带水肿 vocal edema
声带松弛 vocal relaxation
声带突撕脱 vocal process avulsion
声带息肉 polyp of vocal cord
声带下憩室 diverticulum below the vocal cord
声带小结 vocal nodule
声带原位癌 vocal cord carcinoma in situ
声带粘连 vocal adherence
声门恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of glottis
声门后部狭窄 posterior glottic stenosis
声门麻痹 paralysis of glottis
声门前部狭窄 anterior glottic stenosis
声门区狭窄 glottic stenosis
声门上喘鸣 supraglottic stridor
声门上恶性肿瘤 supraglottic malignant neoplasm
声门上水肿 supraglottic edema
声门上狭窄 supraglottic stenosis
声门水肿 glottic edema
声门完全性狭窄 complete glottic stenosis
声门下水肿 subglottic edema
声门性喘鸣 glottic stridor
声损伤性聋 noise induced hearing loss [又称]噪音性耳聋 △
食管腐蚀伤 corrosive esophageal burn [又称]食管化学性腐蚀伤 △
食管化学灼伤 chemical burn of esophagus
食管憩室 diverticulum of esophagus
食管异物 foreign body in esophagus
视网膜色素变性-聋哑综合征 Usher syndrome(hereditary retinitis pigmentosa-deafness syndrome) [又称]Usher综合征 △
嗜酸性腺瘤 eosinophilic adenoma
手术后喉粘连 postoperative throat adhesion
手术后气管瘘 postoperative tracheal fistula
手术后气管食管瘘 postoperative esophagotracheal fistula [又称]食管术后气管食管瘘 △
手术后声带麻痹 postoperative vocal cord paralysis
手术后声带粘连 postoperative vocal cord adhesion
手术后咽瘘 postoperative pharyngeal fistula
双鼻畸形 dirhinus [又称]额外鼻孔 △
双侧不完全喉麻痹 bilateral incomplete laryngeal paralysis
双侧不完全声带麻痹 bilateral incomplete vocal cord paralysis
双侧完全腭裂 bilateral complete cleft palates
双歧鼻尖 bifid tip [又称]先天性鼻尖畸形 △
双相性喘鸣 biphasic stridor
水肿性喉炎 oedematous laryngitis [又称]急性水肿性喉炎 △
睡眠呼吸障碍 sleep disordered breathing
损伤性食管穿孔 traumatic esophageal perforation
梭菌螺旋体性咽炎 clostridium spiral pharyngitis
特发性鼻炎 idiopathic rhinitis
特发性鼓膜炎 idiopathic myringitis
特发性突聋 idiopathic sudden deafness [又称]突发性聋 △
特发性血鼓室 idiopathic hemotympanum
听神经病/听神经谱系障碍 auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder,ANSD
听神经瘤 acoustic neuroma
头部恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of head
头部继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of head
头部良性肿瘤 head benign tumor
头部脂肪瘤 head lipoma
头结缔组织良性肿瘤 head connective tissue benign tumor
头颈部恶性淋巴瘤 malignant lymphoma in head and neck
头颈部淋巴管瘤 head and neck lymphangioma
头颈部血管畸形 head and neck vascular malformation
头颈皮肤恶性肿瘤 head and neck skin malignant tumor
头面部结缔组织良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of connective tissue of head and face
头面颈部血管瘤 head,face and neck hemangioma
头面颈部脂肪瘤 head,face and neck lipoma
头面颈淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of head,face and neck lymph node [又称]头面和颈部淋巴结继发性恶性肿瘤 △
头面血管瘤 head and face hemangioma
头皮恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of scalp
头皮恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of scalp
头皮和颈部原位黑色素瘤 scalp and neck melanoma in situ [又称]头皮和颈部原位黑素瘤 △
头皮交界性肿瘤 scalp boundary tumor
头皮血管畸形 scalp vascular malformation
头皮原位癌 scalp carcinoma in situ
头皮原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of scalp [又称]头皮原位黑(色)素瘤 △
歪鼻 wry nose,deviation of nose
外鼻鲍恩病 Bowen disease of external nose [又称]外鼻鲍文病 △
外鼻恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of external nose
外鼻缺损 defect of external nose
外耳挫伤 contusion of auricle
外耳丹毒 erysipelas of auricle
外耳道胆脂瘤 cholesteatoma of external auditory canal
外耳道骨瘤 osteoma of external auditory canal
外耳道黑色素瘤 melanoma of external auditory canal [又称]外耳道黑素瘤 △
外耳道黑色素细胞痣 melanocytic nevus of external auditory canal
外耳道疖 furuncle of external auditory canal
外耳道皮肤恶性肿瘤 cutaneous malignant neoplasm of external auditory canal
外耳道皮肤原位癌 external auditory canal skin carcinoma in situ
外耳道乳头状瘤 papilloma of external auditory canal
外耳道湿疹 eczema of external auditory canal
外耳道外生骨疣 exostosis of external auditory canal
外耳道狭窄 stricture of external auditory canal
外耳道腺瘤 adenoma of external auditory canal
外耳道腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma of external auditory canal
外耳道异物 foreign body in external auditory canal
外耳道原位癌 external auditory canal carcinoma in situ
外耳道原位黑色素瘤 external auditory canal melanoma in situ [又称]外耳道原位黑(色)素瘤 △
外耳道肿物 external auditory canal mass
外耳湿疹 eczema of external ear
外淋巴瘘 perilymphatic fistula
外伤性喉蹼 traumatic laryngeal web [又称]创伤性喉蹼 △
外周前庭性自发性眼震 peripheral vestibular spontaneous nystagmus
完全性颈瘘 complete fistula cervicalis
伪聋 simulated deafness
萎缩性鼻炎 atrophic rhinitis
萎缩性喉炎 atrophic laryngitis
萎缩性咽炎 atrophic pharyngitis
位置性眩晕 positional vertigo
位置性眼震检查 positional nystagmus test
胃食管癔球 gastroesophageal globus hystericus
蜗窗闭锁 fenestra cochleae atresia
蜗窗畸形 fenestra cochleae deformity/malformation
无鼻畸形 arhinia
息肉样鼻炎 polypoid rhinitis
下颌骨齿釉质瘤 tumor of mandibular tooth enamel
下颌骨恶性肿瘤 mandibular malignant tumor
下颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 mandibular secondary malignant tumor
下颌骨良性肿瘤 mandibular benign tumor
下颌结核 mandibular tuberculosis
下颌开放性损伤 open injury in mandible
下咽癌 hypopharyngeal cancer
下咽部良性肿瘤 benign tumor of hypopharynx [又称]下咽良性肿瘤 △
下咽后壁癌 posterior hypopharyngeal carcinoma
下咽后壁恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx
下咽后壁继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx
下咽继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
下咽狭窄 hypopharynx stenosis [又称]喉咽部狭窄 △
下咽原位癌 laryngopharyngeal carcinoma in situ
先天性鼻部错构瘤 congenital nasal hamartoma [又称]鼻错构瘤 △
先天性鼻窦壁异常 congenital abnormal sinus wall
先天性鼻发育不良 congenital nasal dysplasia [又称]鼻发育不良 △
先天性鼻肥大 congenital hypertrophy of nose
先天性鼻畸形 congenital nose deformity
先天性鼻尖畸形 congenital malformation of apex nasi
先天性鼻切迹 congenital nasal incisure
先天性鼻赘 congenital appendage of nose,congenital rhinophyma
先天性胆脂瘤 congenital cholesteatoma
先天性副鼻 congenital accessory nasal
先天性喉闭锁 congenital atresia of larynx
先天性喉角化症 congenital laryngeal keratosis
先天性喉裂 congenital cleft larynx
先天性喉囊肿 congenital laryngeal cyst
先天性喉软骨畸形 congenital malformation of laryngeal cartilage
先天性喉狭窄 congenital stenosis of larynx
先天性喉小囊囊肿 congenital cyst of laryngeal saccule
先天性后鼻孔闭锁 congenital atresia of posterior naris
先天性环状软骨后裂 congenital posterior cleft of cricoid cartilage
先天性会厌裂 congenital fissure of epiglottis
先天性颈瘘 congenital cervical fistula
先天性面部错构瘤 congenital facial hamartoma
先天性内耳畸形 congenital inner ear malformation
先天性皮样囊肿和瘘管 congenital dermoid cyst and fistula
先天性气管闭锁 congenital atresia of trachea
先天性气管畸形 congenital deformity of trachea
先天性气管扩张 congenital dilatation of trachea
先天性气管狭窄 congenital stenosis of trachea
先天性鳃裂瘘管 congenital branchial fistula
先天性舌根囊肿 congenital lingual cyst
先天性声门下狭窄 congenital subglottic stenosis
先天性声门下血管瘤 congenital subglottic hemangioma
先天性食管闭锁或狭窄 congenital atresia of esophagus,congenital stenosis of esophagus
先天性头颈部动静脉瘘 congenita head-neck arteriovenous fistula
先天性外鼻畸形 congenital malformation of external nose
先天性外鼻缺损 congenital defect of external nose
先天性外耳道闭锁 congenital atresia of external auditory canal
先天性小喉 congenital small larynx
先天性咽囊 congenital pharyngeal pouch [又称]咽囊囊肿 △
涎石病 sialolithiasis [又称]涎石症 △
涎腺病 salivary gland disease [又称]唾液腺病 △
涎腺导管癌 salivary duct carcinoma
涎腺导管结石 salivary duct calculi
涎腺导管瘘 fistula of salivary duct [又称]涎腺瘘 △
涎腺导管阻塞 salivary duct obstruction
涎腺恶性混合瘤 malignant mixed tumor of salivary gland
涎腺恶性淋巴上皮病变 malignant lymphoepithelial lesion of salivary gland
涎腺恶性肿瘤 salivary gland malignant tumor [又称]唾液腺恶性肿瘤 △
涎腺管扩张 salivary duct expansion
涎腺坏死性肉芽肿 necrotizing granuloma of salivary gland
涎腺混合瘤 mixed tumor of salivary gland
涎腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of salivary gland
涎腺良性肥大 salivary gland benign hypertrophy
涎腺良性肿瘤 benign tumor of salivary gland
涎腺囊肿 sialocele
涎腺黏液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland
涎腺乳头状囊腺癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma of salivary gland
涎腺上皮-肌上皮癌 epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma of salivary gland
涎腺萎缩 atrophy of salivary gland
涎腺腺癌 salivary gland adenocarcinoma
涎腺腺泡细胞癌 acinar cell carcinoma of salivary gland
涎腺腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystocarcinoma of salivary gland
涎腺炎 sialadenitis [又称]唾液腺炎 △
腺样体恶性肿瘤 adenoid malignant tumor
腺样体肥大 adenoid hypertrophy
橡皮鼻 rubber nose
小儿急性喉炎 acute laryngitis in children
小涎腺恶性肿瘤 glandulae salivariae minores malignant neoplasm
小涎腺混合瘤 glandulae salivariae minores mixed tumor
小涎腺交界性肿瘤 glandulae salivariae minores borderline tumor
嗅神经母细胞瘤 olfactory neuroblastoma
悬雍垂恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of uvula
悬雍垂继发恶性肿瘤 uvula secondary malignant tumor
悬雍垂良性肿瘤 benign tumor of uvula
眩晕 vertigo
血鼓室 hemotympanum
血管瘤 hemangioma
血管性耳鸣 vascular tinnitus
血管性声带炎 vascular vocal corditis
血行性迷路炎 blooded labyrinthitis
牙根囊肿 radicular cyst
牙骨质化纤维瘤 cementifying fibroma
牙龈恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of gingiva
牙源性囊肿 odontogenic cyst
亚急性甲状腺炎 subacute thyroiditis [又称]德奎尔万甲状腺炎 △,de Quervain甲状腺炎 △
咽、喉、鼻腔血管瘤 pharynx,larynx,nasal hemangioma
咽白喉 pharyngeal diphtheria
咽瘢痕性狭窄 cicatricial stricture of pharynx [又称]瘢痕性咽狭窄 △
咽闭锁 pharyngeal atresia
咽扁桃体恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil
咽扁桃体继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of pharyngeal tonsil [又称]扁桃体继发恶性肿瘤 △
咽部交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of pharynx
咽部淋巴结肿大 pharyngeal lymph node enlargement
咽部血管瘤 pharyngeal hemangioma
咽部肿物 pharyngeal tumor
咽部灼伤 burn of pharynx [又称]咽化学性烧伤 △
咽挫伤 contusion of pharynx
咽淀粉样变性 amyloidosis of pharynx
咽恶性肿瘤 pharyngeal malignant neoplasm
咽鼓管癌 eustachian tube malignant neoplasm
咽鼓管功能不良 dysfunction of eustachian tube
咽鼓管继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of eustachian tube
咽鼓管异常开放症 patulous eustachian tube [又称]咽鼓管开放症 △
咽喉挫伤 contusion of laryngopharynx
咽喉继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of laryngopharynx
咽喉溃疡 ulcer of laryngopharynx
咽喉炎 pharyngolaryngitis
咽后壁恶性肿瘤 postpharyngeal malignant tumor
咽后继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of retropharyngeal
咽肌痉挛 pharyngismus
咽肌麻痹 pharyngolysis
咽继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of pharynx
咽角化症 pharyngeal keratosis
咽结膜热 pharyngoconjunctival fever
咽开放性损伤 open injury of pharynx [又称]开放性咽部损伤 △
咽良性肿瘤 benign tumor of pharynx
咽麻痹 pharyngoparalysis
咽囊肿 pharyngeal cyst
咽内异物 foreign body in pharynx
咽脓肿 pharyngeal abscess
咽旁颞下良性肿瘤 parapharyngeal infratemporal benign tumor
咽旁脓肿 parapharyngeal abscess
咽旁隙感染 infection in parapharyngeal space [又称]咽旁间隙感染 △
咽憩室 pharyngeal diverticulum
咽神经症 neurosis of pharynx
咽峡炎 angina
咽下部囊肿 hypopharyngeal cyst
咽腺型土拉菌病 pharyngeal gland tularemia
咽炎 pharyngitis
咽隐窝恶性肿瘤 pharyngeal recess malignant neoplasm
咽原位癌 pharyngeal carcinoma in situ
咽真菌病 pharyngomycosis
咽中线隐窝囊肿 cyst of pharyngeal median line recess
岩锥炎 petrositis
药物性鼻炎 medicamentous rhinitis
一期鼻梅毒 stage 1 of nasal syphilis
医源性的声门下狭窄 iatrogenic subglottic stenosis
移位耳 displaced ear
遗传性聋 hereditary deafness
乙状窦骨壁缺损 sigmoid sinus bone defect
乙状窦憩室 sigmoid sinus diverticulum
乙状窦血栓性静脉炎 thrombophlebitis of sigmoid sinus
异位甲状腺 ectopic thyroid
异物性食管穿孔 esophageal perforation by foreign body
翼腭窝恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of pterygopalatine fossa
龈沟继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of gingival sulcus
隐耳 cryptotia
隐匿性迷路炎 latent labyrinthitis
隐匿性乳突炎 latent mastoiditis
隐性扁桃体结核 recessive tonsilla tuberculosis
隐性唇裂 latent cleft lip
婴儿喉痉挛 infantile laryngeal spasm
鹰钩鼻 aquiline nose
硬腭恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of hard palate
幼年型喉乳头状瘤 juvenile laryngeal papilloma
语后聋 postlingual deafness
原发性气管肿瘤 primary tumor of trachea
圆柱瘤 cylindroma
猿耳 macacus ear
噪声性聋 noise induced hearing loss,noise induced deafness [又称]噪音性耳聋 △
粘连性中耳炎 adhesive otitis media
招风耳 lop ear
真菌球 fungal ball
真菌性鼻窦炎 fungal sinusitis
砧骨固定 fixation of incus
砧骨畸形 incus deformity
枕骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of occipital bone
支气管鼻窦炎 bronchosinusitis
支气管静脉曲张 bronchial venous varix
职业性鼻炎 occupational rhinitis
职业性喉炎 occupational laryngitis
中耳癌 malignant neoplasm of middle ear
中耳畸形 middle ear deformity
中耳继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of middle ear
中耳交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of middle ear
中耳原位癌 carcinoma in situ of middle ear
中枢性喉麻痹 central laryngeal paralysis
中枢性面瘫 central facial paralysis
中枢性自发性眼震 central spontaneous nystagmus
中毒性眩晕 toxic vertigo
周围性喉麻痹 peripheral laryngeal paralysis
周围性面瘫 peripheral facial paralysis
自身免疫性聋 autoimmune deafness
综合征性聋 syndromic deafness
阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
阻塞性鼻窦炎 obstructive sinusitis
阻塞性腮腺炎 obstructive parotitis