This Code is written in accordance with The Notice of Industrial Codes and Standards Revision and Planning in 2006 issued by General Office of National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China(Document No.〔2006〕1093).
Appendix A is normative appendix and Appendix is informative appendix.
This code is issued by China Electricity Council.
This code is centralized under the Technical Committee on Environmental Protection of Standardization Administration of Power Industry.
This code is drafted by GCL Engineering Limited and China Huadian Engineering(Group)Co.,Ltd.
This code is drafted by Sun Keqin,Yang Sumei,Xu Yanzhong,Guo Qingwei,Qu shouxin,Fu Wenxing and lin Fei.
This code is translated by Wang Bole,Lu Nini and Huang Mengqiu,and reviewed by Fu Wenling,Li Xionghao,Yang Sumei and Yang Xiu.
This is initial issue.
If there is any comment or suggestion during the execution of the code,please send it to the Standardization Administration of China Electricity Council(Address:No.1 Hutong 2 Baiguang Road,Beijing,China,100761).