Fashion is Luxe—David YEUNG 时尚有价——杨大伟
最后谢谢家人对我的支持,及插画团队成员Alice、Filiz、Jack、Mario、mr. cardigan、Rachel、Roxanne、Sam及Stella的帮助才能成事!当然两位重量级人物Ms. Gladys Perint Palmer及吕越教授给我写序,让此书生色不少!Thank you so much!
It is obvious to see that our Chinese compatriots have got strong purchasing power nowadays. It is also reported that for the supply of luxury products on market, 1/3 was bought by Chinese people. Such figure is totally astonishing! When we look back over the past 10 years, a lot of mainland compatriots have come to Hong Kong to buy luxury products, and even for the past 5 years some flied to European countries to purchase their likes straight away.
For this reason, the aim of writing this book with illustrations is to give readers a general understanding of some luxury brands' background, and also let them know that it takes time to run a brand with success. We can see a lot of foreign high end brands are successful because of their long history they have established, and also their attitude towards heritage preservation and art appreciation are well measured. To foster a legend takes a lot of effort. Apart from telling readers some popular international brands favored in China, I will also introduce a few high quality brands so that readers can take notice of them though they are not that high profile in China at present. Readers may realize that this book is not all about clothes and accessories but also vehicles, food and wine, home products, etc are included. Readers should understand the meaning of fashion is not only confined to clothes but also extend to one's lifestyle. My last book“Fashion is Cool”talked about the concept of fashion and this book“Fashion is Luxe”is to tell you successful brands' stories. I hope you like it.
Last, I thank my family for supporting me to author this book. And without helping hands from the illustration team, namely: Alice, Filiz , Jack, Mario, mr. cardigan, Rachel, Roxanne, Sam and Stella, this book cannot be done. And certainly, two “heavy-Weight” VIPs Ms. Gladys Perint Palmer and Professor Aluna Lu helped write prefaces for me made the book more than perfect! Thank you so much!