第10章 句子的长短和简繁
Janice is an enthusiastic basketball player, and she is the top-scoring player on our team, but unfortunately, she will not be able to play in tomorrow’s game, for her sprained ankle is not completely healed.
Janice is an enthusiastic basketball player, and the top-scoring player on our team. Unfortunately, she will not be able to play in tomorrow’s game, for her sprained ankle is not completely healed.
The train stopped at the small station, which was a few miles from the center of the city, because it was a local run that picked up passengers who chose to ride in the late morning.
The train stopped at the small station a few miles from the center of the city. It was a local run that picked up passengers who chose to ride in the late moming.
(1) 断句
In a market economy, where income distribution is a function of competition, wealth is inevitably distributed unequally. Sometimes the income gap widens because the strong gets richer and the weak poorer. This is a problem that can be addressed only with government intervention. Social security is a form of intervention that increases social equity by redistributing wealth, for part of the income of the rich is rechannelled to the lower income. By narrowing the income gap and mitigating the flaws of the market economy in some extent, social security enhances social cohesion and equity.(五个句号)
(2) 分清层次
We should deepen the reform in businesses, initiate pilot reform of the income distribution system in selected large corporations managed by the central authorities and in foreign-listed companies, and develop effective incentive and control mechanisms for business managers.
We will deepen internal reform of SOEs. We will initiate pilot reform of the income distribution system in selected large enterprises managed by the central authorities and in companies listed on overseas stock markets, in order to develop incentives and disincentives for business managers.
To resolve the inherent conflict between the rule of the Party and the rule of law in China’s development, the project will offer training to leaders of local Party and government organizations, leaders of the legislature, presidents of courts, Judges, lawyers, and NGO officers and officials of grassroots self-governing organizations to promote rule of law at the local level.
In 1924, the Nationalist Party(KMT) proposed the concepts of “build the country through the Party” and “governing the country through the Party”. From the 1950s to 1970s, the Communist Party of China(CPC)took the latter to the extreme. Later, the CPC initiated the reform and opening-up policy. In 1997, it proposed to “govern the country through law” and build “a socialist country governed by law”. But as the country progressively opens up, there is always a tension between the rule of law and the set behaviors and mindsets formed during the 1950s-70s.
Before assessing AIDS-related laws, we must clarify our thoughts on this analysis. This means that we must identify our problems, our methods, and our values.
除了我们经常使用的各种从句外,可以学习使用以下几种表达方式:重复式修饰(resumptive modifiers)、总结式修饰(summative modifiers)和自由修饰(free modifiers)。
(1) 重复式修饰
To find a cure for AIDS, we need biologists and medical experts; but to cure AIDS as a social problem, a problem that has run wild globally, biologists and medical experts alone are not enough.
For more than a year, the company has implemented the Baseline Enhancement to Entitlement(BEE), a program that uses existing resources to achieve the best performance. As a result,output has increased from 5,000 tonnes to 7,000 tonnes, and many changes have also taken place.
(3) 自由式修饰
The Scopes monkey trial was a watershed in American religious thinking, legitimizing the contemporary interpretation of the Bible and making literal fundamentalism a backwater of anti-intellectual theology.
Leonardo da Vinci was a man of powerful intellect, driven by an insnttable curiosity and haunted by a vision of artistic expression.
In 1939 the United States began to assist the British in their struggle against Germany, fully aware that it faced another world war.
After 1985, reform was extended to the cities. Non-public ownership was allowed, making it possible for some urban residents to leave the work-unit (danwei)system.