Passage 7 宝宝洗澡的几点安全提示 Several Tips for Safe Baby Bathing
Step 1 阅读行不行
For babies, bath time can be a really fun time. Some babies love playing with water splashes1 , foam and bubbles. For parents, baby bathing will be a special moment where you really pay attention to your baby. Bathing the baby seems to be an easy job to do. But if you don't know the basic of baby bathing, you will get several problems that will harm your baby. To understand more about baby bathing, we will give you several tips about how bathing baby :
1.Never leave your baby alone in the bath, even for a minute. This is the most important rule when bathing a baby. Children can drown2 in less than an inch of water. If there is the sound of the doorbell or phone rings and you have to answer, take your baby in a towel and take the baby with you.
2.Before bathing the baby, make sure all baby toiletries3 (towel, soap, shampoo, etc.) are available in the bathrooms. This will prevent you to leave the baby during bath. Remember. Don't ever leave your baby unsupervised4 .
3.The most important thing is to prevent water from entering either the baby eyes, mouth or ears.
4.Make sure the bathroom is warm enough (min 25 ºC / 77 ºF). Cold temperature can make your baby sick.
5.Normal bathtub5 is usually very slick, wearing rubber footwear for your safety.
6.When your baby can walk, bathroom floor can be slippery6 for the baby. Therefore, it's recommended to add some special rubber carpet, so the baby will not fall off when entering the bathroom.
7.Keep the water warm and comfortable (36 ºC / 88 ºF).
8.Fill the baby bathtub with height of just 10 cm of water for infants age 6 months. For more than 6 months baby, you can fill the water until it reaches the baby waist (in sitting position).
9.Do not place your baby in baby bathing tub when the water is still flowing (water temperature can change or water can be too deep for the baby).
10.Teach your baby to sit (not to stand) during bath.
11.Soap, shampoo, and foam can dry the skin and can lead to dull, so use them with caution.
12.Do not allow your baby to touch the tap water. Because it would cause a serious injury if the baby fell and hit the tap water.
13.Keep electrical equipment (such as hair dryers and curling irons) away from the tub.
keywords and phrases
1 splash /splæʃ/ n. 溅,泼,溅起的水
2 drown /draʊn/vt. 使淹死vi. 淹没;盖过
3 toiletry /'tɔɪlɪtrɪ/ n. 化妆品,化妆用具
4 unsupervised /ˌʌn'sju:pəvaɪzd/ adj. 无人监督的,无人管理的
5 bathtub /ˈbɑ:θtʌb/ n. 浴缸,澡盆
6 slippery /ˈslɪpərɪ/ adj. 滑溜的;不可靠的
phrase to know
pay attention to… 意思是“注意……”,与attention相关的短语还有:attract one's attention(吸引某人的注意); catch one's attention(引起了某人的注意); call one's attention(提醒某人注意)等。老师在课堂上经常会说:May I have your attention please(请注意听我讲话好吗)?
keep…away from 表示“避免接近,远离,勿靠近”。如:Keep away from the edge of the cliff. 意为“切莫靠近悬崖边”。
Step 2 手写行不行
★ 白墙上溅上了一片墨汁。(a splash of)
★ 球迷的欢呼声盖过了杰克逊的喊叫声。(drown)
★ 这种材料被广泛应用于医疗保健行业。(be widely applied in)
★ 她把年幼的儿子留在这儿几小时无人看管。(unsupervised)
★ 她拔下浴缸的塞子并把浴缸洗干净了。(pull out)
★ 注意,地面很滑!(mind out)
Step 3 口语行不行
Q1 What is the most important rule when bathing a baby?给宝宝洗澡时最重要的原则是什么?
Q2 List several potential dangers for babies in the bathroom.列出宝宝在浴室的几个潜在危险。
Q3 What measures will you take to protect babies from injuries in the bathroom?你会采取哪些措施保护宝宝在浴室中不受伤害?
Step 2 手写行不行答案
1.There's a splash of ink on the white wall.
2.The loud cheers of the fans drown out Jackson's shouts.
3.This material is widely applied in medical and health care area.
4.She has left her minor son here unsupervised for several hours.
5.She pulled out the plug and cleaned out the bathtub.
6.Mind out, the floor is slippery!
Step 3 口语行不行答案
1.Never leave baby alone in the bath, even for a minute. That's the most important rule.
2.Slipping is a common hazard for babies. It is natural that a little bit of carelessness can sometimes result in a fall. Another danger in the bathroom is the toilet. Even though the water seems too little, babies have been known to topple over with their top heavy bodies and drown themselves. Sharp edges or broken parts of flooring can also cause serious concerns. Shampoos, soaps and scrubbing agents that are commonly kept in the cabinet below sink are quite accessible for children too. Last but not the least, the temperature of the water needs to be monitored carefully and controlled.
3.I will always keep an eye on the baby in a bathroom. Besides, I will equip my bathroom with the following products: an anti-slip mat or a stool with suction cups, that help in avoiding any kind of slippage in a bathtub; a rug or a bath mat right outside the bathtub, that avoid injuries from slippery floors or feet, latches or locks available for toilet seat covers, that avoid babies from accidentally falling in. In addition, I will keep electrical equipment away from baby bathtub.