第3章 Best Birthday Ever
Raquel woke up the morning of her twentieth birthday feeling like a million bucks.
She got out of bed as soon as her alarm went off. Usually, Raquel was not a morning person and she felt tired until her first cup of coffee of the day, but the morning of her twentieth birthday, she felt amazing! She got up and stretched with a big yawn and went into the bathroom to get ready for class.
like a million bucks - exp.感觉很棒
go off - (警报器) 突发巨响
morning person - exp.爱早起的人
amazing - adj.令人惊异的
stretch - v.伸展;舒展
yawn - n.哈欠
"Wow," said Raquel as she looked in the mirror. She was having a good hair day. She had long, thick, dark brown hair that usually had a mind of its own. This morning, her hair already looked almost perfect. She brushed her hair with her favorite baby blue hairbrush until it was smooth and shiny, then she pulled it back into a bouncy ponytail on the top of her head. Because it was her birthday, Raquel was feeling fancy, so she decided to put on some makeup too. First, she applied black eyeliner and made sure that the lines were winged like she saw in fashion magazines. Then she put on some black mascara, which made her eyelashes look thick and long. Then she put on some bright red lipstick, which was fashionable and festive. To top it all off, Raquel splashed on some of her favorite perfume;it was expensive, over a hundred dollars a bottle, but it made her smell like a movie star.
good hair day - exp. 头发状态良好
mind of its own - exp.有自己的想法
baby blue - 淡蓝色
bouncy ponytail - 动感马尾
fancy - adj.精致的
makeup - n.彩妆;化妆品
apply - v.应用
eyeliner - n.眼线笔;眼线膏
fashion magazine - 时尚杂志
mascara - n.睫毛膏
eyelash - n.睫毛
lipstick - n.唇膏;口红
fashionable - adj.流行的;时髦的
festive - adj.节日的;喜庆的
Next, Raquel went to get dressed. She chose a bright red blouse that matched her lipstick, a black ballerina skirt and cute black flats. She admired herself in the mirror, thinking that she was the most beautiful girl on campus. And why shouldn't she be? It was her birthday!
blouse - n.女装衬衫
ballerina skirt -芭蕾短裙
flats - n.平跟鞋
Raquel went to the kitchenette in her dorm room and started brewing a cup of coffee. She loved coffee. Dark roast was her favorite and once she had a nice strong cup brewed, she put lots of cream and sugar in it. Usually, Raquel liked to eat a very healthy breakfast with yogurt and some fresh fruit, but she decided, because it was her birthday, that she could indulge in her favorite breakfast pastry: a Boston cream doughnut. The only problem was, Raquel didn't have any Boston cream doughnuts at home so she had to stop at the campus coffee shop to buy one.
kitchenette - n. 小厨房
brew - v.酿造;冲泡
indulge - v.沉溺;放任
pastry - n.油酥点心
Boston cream doughnut -波士顿奶油甜甜圈
She approached the counter at the coffee shop and smiled brightly. The cashier was a very cute boy that Raquel recognized from one of her classes. He smiled back at her and he was so handsome when he smiled that Raquel forgot to order.
"Can I help you?" the boy asked. Raquel looked at his name tag. His name was Michael.
"Oh! Yes, I want a Boston cream doughnut, please." She pointed at the one she wanted sitting in the glass case.
Michael took out the doughnut using a little piece of waxed paper and put it in a doughnut-sized paper bag. He handed it across the counter to Raquel, still smiling. Boy, was he handsome when he smiled!
"Thanks," said Raquel, "how much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything, we're having a special promotion today," Michael said. "Pretty girls get one Boston cream doughnut for free."
Raquel erupted in a fit of giggles and blushed, hiding her face behind the paper bag containing the doughnut. "It's perfect!" she exclaimed.
"What is?" Michael asked.
"Today is my birthday," Raquel explained shyly, "so it's like a birthday present!"
"Happy birthday!" Michael exclaimed. "Do you have any big plans for celebrating your birthday?"
"I don't know," Raquel admitted, "I have classes all day, but I was going to ask my friends to go to dinner later." She paused, then beamed at Michael. "Do you want to come to dinner?"
"That would be awesome," said Michael, still smiling his ridiculously handsome smile.
"Can I get your number?" asked Raquel. She handed her phone across the counter and let Michael type in his cell phone number and name. He handed the phone back to her and she thanked him. "I'll text you later! I'm finished with class around four."
"Great! I get off at four. See you later."
handsome - adj.英俊的
Boy - exp.好家伙!
promotion - n.促销;提升
erupt - v.爆发
giggle - n.咯咯的笑声
blush - v.脸红
exclaim - v.大叫;呼喊
shyly - adv.羞怯地
beam - v.堆满笑容;照射;发送
awesome - adj.极好的
ridiculously - adv.相当地;十分;荒谬地
text - v.发信息
See you later - exp.再见
Michael watched the girl walk away, admiring her legs and her puffy black skirt. He felt a little bit dizzy because the girl was so beautiful, and friendly, and she smelled nice, and Michael had decided that she was pretty much perfect. He could hardly believe that she invited him to dinner on her birthday! He was practically a stranger.
admire - v.欣赏;钦佩
dizzy - adj.晕眩的
hardly believe - exp.难以置信
stranger - n.陌生人
The rest of Michael's shift at the coffee shop went by very, very slowly. He kept thinking about how red the girl's lips looked, and how white her teeth were, and how brown her hair was. He got butterflies in his stomach when he remembered her giggling when he flirted with her.
shift - n.轮班
butterflies in his stomach - exp.忐忑;紧张
flirt - v.调情
Time slowed to a crawl. Michael was very distracted while he worked. He was usually a very good employee, but today, he got orders wrong, burned the milk while making a latte, and even accidentally ignored a customer while staring into space and thinking about the girl! The customer berated him and his manager scolded him, but Michael didn't care because he had a date tonight with the most perfect girl in the world.
Time slowed to a crawl - exp. 时光慢慢流逝
burn - v.烧掉;烧糊
latte - n.拿铁[1]咖啡
accidentally - adv.意外地
staring into space - exp.呆呆地凝视前方
berate - v.严责
scold - v.责骂;训斥
When Michael clocked out, he checked his phone and, sure enough, he had a text from the girl.
Hey! Meet me at Tony's Pizza at 7. See you there!
Michael felt giddy as he responded to her text: Okay! Looking forward to it. And it was true, he really was looking forward to seeing the girl again. He had just enough time to go home, get cleaned up, and get a birthday card. Michael still lived with his parents at their house, which was close enough to campus that he could ride his bike. It was a beautiful day: sunny and not too hot. There was very little traffic, so his ride home was easy. He went inside the house, said hello to his mom, and went upstairs to change.
giddy - adj.头晕的
campus - n.大学;校园
traffic - n.交通
upstairs - n.楼上
Michael was a very tall boy. He had just turned twenty-one, and his mom said he was probably finished growing. He was six and a half feet tall and sometimes it was hard to find trousers that were long enough. He had one nice pair of trousers that fit him perfectly, so he decided to wear them to meet the girl, even though he had also worn them to work and they smelled a little bit like steamed milk and coffee. He put on a red polo shirt, thinking that the girl might still be wearing her red blouse and it would be funny if they matched. To cover up the smell of coffee, Michael put on some cologne and then he was ready to leave.
turn - v.变成;转变
feet - n.英尺
steamed - adj.蒸熟的
funny - adj.有趣的
cologne - n.古龙香水
He had just enough time to stop by a gift shop on the way. He knew he had already given the girl the doughnut for a present, but he liked her a lot and wanted to impress her so he also got a card. He didn't know what kind of card she would like, though! Would she want a card with a funny joke and a silly picture? Would she want a card with a sentimental message? Was she religious;would she want a card wishing her a blessed year? Michael settled on a card that was decorated with cute drawings of pink flowers and a happy cartoon puppy wishing her a happy birthday. He bought the card and started to write on it, but then he realized that he did not know her name!
gift shop -礼品店
impress - v.给人印象
sentimental - adj.伤感的;多愁善感的
religious - adj.宗教的;虔诚的
blessed - adj.受祝福的
cartoon - n.卡通;漫画
Michael began to panic. How stupid could he be? He asked a girl on a date without even knowing her name! She had his phone number and everything. How embarrassing! Michael groaned out loud and thumped his head down on the counter.
"What's wrong, buddy?" The guy behind the counter was an older man with gray hair and glasses.
"I don't know this girl's name," Michael moaned. "I asked her on a date and I don't even know her name!"
"Tough luck, kiddo," the man said. He was trying not to laugh, but he thought it was pretty funny.
"I feel so stupid," Michael grumbled. "It's her birthday, too."
"Everyone makes mistakes," the man said, and he shrugged.
panic - n.恐慌
stupid - adj.愚蠢的
on a date - exp.约会
embarrassing - adj.令人尴尬的
groan - v.呻吟;叹息
buddy - n.伙伴;小男孩
moan - v.抱怨;呻吟着说
pretty funny - exp.很有意思
stupid - adj.傻瓜
grumble - v.嘟囔;抱怨
mistake - n.错误
shrug - v.耸肩
Michael decided he would just not write anything on the card and hope that she didn't notice. He had been feeling excited and happy all day, but now he just felt nervous. If she found out that he didn't know her name, she would probably think he was some kind of creep or maybe she would think he was stupid. Michael didn't know what she would think, but it probably would not be good!
He got on his bike with the blank birthday card in his backpack and started the ride to Tony's Pizza. At least the food will be good, he thought.
notice - v.注意到
nervous -adj.紧张的
creep -adj.极讨厌的人
Raquel was so happy about Michael coming to dinner that she almost forgot to eat her doughnut.She ate it during class and spilled a little bit of the sweet cream filling on her notebook. It wasn't that big of a deal, but her notebook would smell like pastries for weeks to come!
forgot - v.忘记
sweet cream filling - 甜奶油馅
that big of a deal - exp. 没什么大不了
The lecture was so boring that Raquel barely took any notes. It was a statistics class, and Raquel didn't really like math. She liked history class better, and this semester she was taking a dance class which she enjoyed a lot.
barely - adv.几乎不
statistics -n. 统计学
dance - n.舞蹈
Raquel couldn't even enjoy her history lecture that day though, because she kept thinking about Michael. She kept thinking about his big, handsome, goofy smile. She thought about his black coffee shop uniform and wondered what he would wear later. She thought about his shaggy black hair. She thought about how tall he was, and she wondered if he had very big hands. She wondered if he would care that she was a whole foot shorter than him. She wondered about Michael all day long, until her last class ended and she was free to go.
goofy -adj.傻瓜的
uniform -n.制服
shaggy - adj.蓬松的
wonder -v.想知道
foot -n.英尺
She went to the library to do some studying but still kept thinking about Michael. She texted a bunch of her friends to invite them to dinner at Tony's Pizza later on, and after that she was able to study for a little bit, but Raquel really could not focus on her notes! So she decided to go take a walk because it was such a beautiful day.
studying - n.学习;研究
text -v. 发短信
focus - v. 集中(注意力)
Outside, the sky was a deep blue color and the air was cool and refreshing. It was springtime, so the grass and trees were a happy shade of green and there were flowers all over the place. Some of the trees had lots of tiny pink flowers, other trees had big white flowers, and some trees had no flowers at all: only buds and leaves. Bright yellow daffodils and tulips in a multitude of colors smiled up at Raquel from the ground, and because it was her birthday, she smiled right back.
deep blue -adj.碧蓝
refreshing - adj.提神的
springtime - n.春季
buds - n.嫩芽;蓓蕾
leaves -n.树叶
daffodils - n.水仙花
tulips -n.郁金香
multitude -n.多数
Raquel saw a few of her friends while she was walking, and asked them to come to her birthday dinner later that night, but they all said they were busy! Jolisa had to work, Mary Beth had an exam the next day, Carrie had a paperdue, and Thomas had to take his cat to the veterinarian. Raquel felt disappointed but it was still her birthday, so she tried not to let it get her down.
exam -n. 考试
paper due -论文上交日期
veterinarian -n.兽医
disappointed - adj.失望的
get her down -让自己失落
At last, seven o'clock came around. Raquel walked in to Tony's Pizza and chose a great big table so that everyone she had invited could sit with her. She ordered a soda and eagerly watched the door, waiting for her friends to show up.
But they didn't.
Seven o'clock became seven-thirty, and then it was eight o'clock. Raquel drank three sodas and was still sitting all by herself at the great, big, empty table. She tried not to be sad but, when eight o'clock came and no one was there to celebrate with her, Raquel felt tears in her eyes and she looked down at the table.
"Hey!" said a familiar voice.
Raquel looked up and saw Michael standing beside her. He looked very nice in his red polo shirt[2], except he had a scrape on his arm and his hair was mussed!
"What happened?" Raquel cried, leaping to her feet. "Are you okay?"
came around - exp.来访
eagerly -adv.急切地;渴望地
to show up - exp.出现
tears -n.眼泪
scrape - n.刮痕
mussed - adj.混乱
cry- v.大叫;哭喊
leap - v.跳
"Yeah, I just crashed my bicycle," Michael said sheepishly, "that's why I'm late. I'm really sorry."
"Oh my gosh. You're not hurt, are you?"
"No, I'm fine! I promise. Um... where is everyone else?" Michael asked. He looked at the empty table with a concerned expression.
crash - v. 撞
sheepishly - adv.怯懦地
Oh my gosh - 我的天!
Concerned expression -担忧的表情
"That is a good question," Raquel grumbled. "No one showed up."
"Let me buy you some pizza," Michael offered as he and Raquel sat down together.
Together, Michael and Raquel finished a whole pepperoni pizza. It was the best pizza either of them had ever tasted. Raquel felt much better after she ate, and she thanked Michael for coming to dinner.
"It's my pleasure," Michael told her, "I've been looking forward to it all day!" He took the card out of his backpack and handed it to her, "For you."
"Thank you!" Raquel exclaimed. She opened the card, and as she read it, she smiled. "That's so sweet of you, Michael."
Michael smiled and squirmed a little in his seat when she said his name, because he still didn't know her name. He had asked her on a date, bought her dinner, and given her a birthday card;and he still didn't know her name! The evening ended after they sat and talked for a few hours. They both had class early the next day and needed to get home and go to bed.
"Let me give you a ride home, since your bike is broken," Raquel offered. Michael agreed, and she drove him home. Once they got to Michael's house, Raquel said, "Thanks again, Michael, this was the best birthday I've ever had!"
Michael smiled and, feeling brave, he leaned over and kissed the girl's cheek!
Raquel giggled. Michael said goodnight and went inside. He still didn't know her name.
"How was your date, honey?" Michael's mom asked when he came in.
"It was... good," Michael said.
"You don't seem too sure about that," his mother said, looking at him over the top of her glasses.
"I don't know her name. The girl I asked out. I don't know her name! I forgot to get it when I met her, but she knows my name and she has my number and everything," Michael groaned.
"Why don't you just ask her?" his mom said.
"I can't just ask her! She'll think I'm so dumb!" Michael said.
"If she is the right girl for you, she'll understand," Michael's mom reassured him, but this didn't make Michael feel any better. "Can you ask one of her friends?"
"I can't just ask someone!" Michael scoffed, "They might tell her."
"Didn't you say you have a class with her? Maybe you can ask the professor," his mom suggested.
So, the next day during his class with the girl Michael approached the professor and asked for the girl's name. He described Raquel, but Michael wasn't very good at describing, and the professor thought he meant a different girl!
"Her name is Brittany," the professor said confidently.
When the girl walked in the room, Michael marched right up to her and smiled.
"Hi, Brittany," he said. His smile went away as the girl frowned.
"My name is Raquel," she grumbled.
Michael was mortified. He felt about as tall as a grasshopper's knee. He wanted to disappear into the floor. His cheeks turned bright red. Raquel saw how embarrassed he was and she relaxed.
"That's okay, Michael. Everyone makes mistakes!" Raquel took his hand and they sat down together in the front row.
Raquel thought that Michael was the best birthday present she had ever gotten.
It's my pleasure - exp. 我很荣幸
looking forward to it - exp.期待
so sweet of you - exp.你太贴心了
squirm - v.扭动;局促不安
offer -v.提议,提供
brave - adj.勇敢的
kiss - v.吻
cheek - n.脸颊
honey -n.宝贝
groan -v.呻吟
scoff - v.嘲笑
suggest - v.建议
approach - v.接近
describe -描述
confidently - adv.自信地
march -v.(坚定地)向某地行进
frown -v.皱眉
mortified -adj.窘迫的
as tall as a grasshopper's knee - exp.矮到尘埃里
relax - v.使放松
It was Raquel's birthday, and she felt incredible. She dolled herself up before going to class, put on perfume, and even decided to get herself a doughnut for breakfast from a local coffee shop. This is where Raquel meets Michael, a handsome boy who gives her a Boston cream doughnut for free and flirts with her. Raquel is so smitten with Michael that she invites him to her birthday dinner with friends that evening.
All day long Raquel and Michael daydream about each other, but Michael has one worry—he doesn't have Raquel's name. When it's time for the big dinner, nobody shows up but Michael, and he's an hour late—Raquel had just started to cry before he arrived. They end up having a wonderful date, but, even after kissing her good night, Michael still doesn't know Raquel's name.
The next day, Michael asks a professor about Raquel's name, but he is given the wrong name, and calls her Brittany instead. Michael is then terribly embarrassed, but Raquel handles the situation with grace and forgives him immediately, proving that she is the right girl for him.
like a million bucks - exp. 感觉很棒
go off - (警报器) 突发巨响
morning person - exp.爱早起的人
amazing - adj.令人惊异的
stretch - v.伸展;舒展
yawn - n.哈欠
good hair day - exp.头发状态良好
mind of its own - exp.有自己的想法
baby blue - 淡蓝色
bouncy ponytail - 动感马尾
fancy - adj.精致的
makeup - n.彩妆;化妆品
apply - v.应用
eyeliner - n.眼线笔;眼线膏
fashion magazine - 时尚杂志
mascara - n.睫毛膏
eyelash - n.睫毛
lipstick - n.唇膏;口红
fashionable - adj.流行的;时髦的
festive - adj.节日的;喜庆的
blouse - n.女装衬衫
ballerina skirt -芭蕾短裙
flats - n.平跟鞋
kitchenette - n.小厨房
brew - v.酿造;冲泡
indulge - v.沉溺;放任
pastry - n.油酥点心
Boston cream doughnut -波士顿奶油甜甜圈
handsome - adj.英俊的
Boy - exp.好家伙!
promotion - n.促销;提升
erupt - v.爆发
giggle - n.咯咯的笑声
blush - v.脸红
exclaim - v.大叫;呼喊
shyly - adv.羞怯地
beam - v.堆满笑容;照射;发送
awesome - adj.极好的
ridiculously - adv.相当地;十分;荒谬地
text - v.发信息
See you later - exp.再见
admire - v.欣赏;钦佩
dizzy - adj.晕眩的
hardly believe - exp.难以置信
stranger - n.陌生人
shift - n.轮班
butterflies in his stomach - exp.忐忑;紧张
flirt - v.调情
Time slowed to a crawl - exp.时光慢慢流逝
burn - v.烧掉;烧糊
latte - n.拿铁咖啡
accidentally - adv.意外地
staring into space - exp.呆呆地凝视前方
berate - v.严责
scold - v.责骂;训斥
giddy - adj.头晕的
campus - n.大学;校园
traffic - n.交通
upstairs - n.楼上
turn - v.变成;转变
feet - n.英尺
steamed - adj.蒸熟的
funny - adj.有趣的
cologne - n.古龙香水
gift shop -礼品店
impress - v.给人印象
sentimental - adj.伤感的;多愁善感的
religious - adj.宗教的;虔诚的
blessed - adj.受祝福的
cartoon - n.卡通;漫画
panic - n.恐慌
stupid - adj.愚蠢的
on a date - exp.约会
embarrassing - adj.令人尴尬的
groan - v.呻吟;叹息
buddy - n.伙伴;小男孩
moan - v.抱怨;呻吟着说
pretty funny - exp.很有意思
stupid - adj.傻瓜
grumble - v.嘟囔;抱怨
mistake - n.错误
shrug - v.耸肩
notice - v.注意到
nervous -adj.紧张的
creep -adj.极讨厌的人
forgot - v.忘记
sweet cream filling - 甜奶油馅
that big of a deal - exp.没什么大不了
barely - adv.几乎不
statistics -n.统计学
dance - n.舞蹈
goofy -adj.傻瓜的
uniform -n.制服
shaggy - adj.蓬松的
wonder -v.想知道
foot -n.英尺
studying - n.学习;研究
text -v.发短信
focus - v.集中(注意力)
deep blue -adj.碧蓝
refreshing - adj.提神的
springtime - n.春季
buds - n.嫩芽;蓓蕾
leaves -n.树叶
daffodils - n.水仙花
tulips -n.郁金香
multitude -n.多数
exam -n.考试
paper due -论文上交日期
veterinarian -n.兽医
disappointed - adj.失望的
get her down -让自己失落
came around - exp.来访
eagerly - adv.急切地;渴望地
to show up - exp.出现
tears - n.眼泪
familiar- adj熟悉的
scrape - n.刮痕
mussed - adj.混乱
cry- v.大叫;哭喊
leap - v.跳
It's my pleasure - exp.我很荣幸
looking forward to it - exp.期待
so sweet of you - exp.你太贴心了
squirm - v.扭动;局促不安
offer -v.提议,提供
brave - adj.勇敢的
kiss - v.吻
cheek - n.脸颊
honey -n.宝贝
groan -v.呻吟
scoff - v.嘲笑
suggest - v.建议
approach - v.接近
describe -描述
confidently - adv.自信地
march -v.(坚定地)向某地行进
frown -v.皱眉
mortified -adj.窘迫的
as tall as a grasshopper's knee - exp.矮到尘埃里
relax - v.使放松