第2讲 复杂结构
1.Music, which consistently merges in surveys as the most popular form of art, can be used not only to tap into an emotion a person is already feeling, but to manipulate it in a powerful way.
解析 本句我们应该可以首先识别出以逗号分隔并以which引导的一个非限定性定语从句,从而在将其暂时略去的情况下得到相对简单的句子主体。相对的难点在于emotion后隐藏的定语从句,由于该从句省略掉连词which/that,对它的识别较难。但是只要记住一个单句一般只具有一个谓语动词的规则,便可以从emotion后又出现的is这一点得出这里仍然有一个分句。这样主句就得以最终剥离完毕:Music can be used not only to tap into an emotion……,but to manipulate it in a powerful way.
2.We need only observe the activity in a school playground, where games are organized on an improved playing field, to understand that children show genetic traces of the hunter instinct, which naturally leads them to physical activity.
解析 通过逗号的分割,where引导的非限制性定语从句很容易被剔除,而在全句的最后,又是一个逗号分隔的非限制性定语从句。也许有同学还在想,这两个定语从句的作用是补充说明前面的词,还是对前面的整句进行修饰?实际没有必要作此考虑。在去掉两个从句之后,整句的结构依然完整,无损大意:We need only observe the activity in school playground to understand……
3.Nicotine and other toxins in cigarette smoke activate small blood cells known as platelets, which increases the possibility of blood clots, thus affecting blood circulation through the body.
解析 同理,本句which引导的从句只是对前面主句的补充性延伸。去掉之后,主句凸显出来,而其后的分词状语也就更容易被识别出来,不会干扰到句子大意的获取。
4.Used to explain all manner of economic, cultural and political change that has swept over the world in recent decades, globalisation is a term that continues to cause intellectual debate.
解析 这是一个典型的头重脚轻的句子。首先映入眼帘的是过去分词used,使习惯于找句子主语的我们感到不习惯。而接下去又出现的that从句则使得情况更加糟糕——句子为什么那么长?直到又一个逗号的出现,才出现主语globalisation。整个句子以used to引导的过去分词作状语来说明 globalisation“被”用来explain……changes,而在这个状语之中又暗藏that引导的定语从句来修饰说明是何种change。主要结构反而比较简单,一个主系表结构给globalisation 下了定义,它是一个term,随后再附加一个that引导的定语从句来描述关于term的细节信息。
5.Under these conditions, tomato-ripening rooms installed on farms and used only for ripening fruit produced by the owner have been approved by certain Electricity Commissions as not constituting a hazardous location.
解析 和上一句不同的是,在一个相对还算熟悉的介词短语开局之后,主语似乎也出现了,但接下去句中的动词开始接二连三地登场,先是installed和used,而后又有produced和approved,使读者失去了方向感——谓语在哪里?其实问题就在这接踵而至的4个动词上面,因为中间只有一个是真正的和主语tamoto-ripening rooms来进行搭配的谓语。installed和used在本句中都是过去分词作定语修饰rooms;过去分词produced进一步作定语修饰fruit是怎样被处理的,真正的谓语最后才出现。原句的核心其实是 tomato-ripening rooms……have been approved……。
6.The ventilation system circulates the room air continuously, introducing a small proportion of fresh air and exhausting a similar amount of air at the same time.
解析 这个句子的前面似乎不难,是一个正常的主谓宾结构,但随后句子却并没有就此结束,先是由现在分词introducing引导出一套动宾结构,接着and后又并列出现了由分词exhausting引导的第二套动宾结构。这时同学们可能就有些犯怵了。其实不管这个序列是否还会继续下去,对于前面的主句都不会造成影响。和主语ventilation system为“主动关系”的现在分词仅仅充当了并列伴随状语而已,而不管这些伴随状语中有多少乾坤,它们都是次要的。
7.It is generally agreed that by about 2030/2040,the average global temperature(presently+15℃)will have risen by anything up to 5℃ causing① polar ice caps and mountain glaciers to melt and changes to ocean currents and circulation patterns causing② coastal waters to rise.
解析 本句的前半部分对于不少同学来说应该还处于可理解的范围之内,虽然有一个后置的主语从句用来替代先行代词it,直到5℃为止,句子阅读的流畅性应该还是不会被破坏的。问题出现在随后的两个causing上。虽然都是同一个词,但这两个causing是否是并列的呢?不并列的话那么又各自说明什么呢?我们只需要明确,对于一个句子而言,不管causing① 和causing② 是何关系,都改变不了它们是以和主语“主动”的关系来进行信息添加的,从语法角度来看,就是充当结果状语的位置。如此,难点就绕过去了。
8.Controlled ripening and colouring enables the grower to market tomatoes of more uniform colour and quality than is possible with green or field-ripened produce.
解析 由于体现出时间(现在时)的enables的出现,句中controlled作定语修饰的 ripening and colouring就只能是主语了,因此该句中的这两个现在分词都不能在阅读过程中删去。
9.Many benefits of exercise—reducing the risk of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and cancers—can be achieved from any level of activity.
10.For the so-called power events—which require a relatively short, explosive discharge of energy, like the 100-metre sprint and the long jump—times and distances have improved greatly.
解析 你注意到是什么让上面两个句子变得复杂的吗?是破折号。由于破折号在句中通常起插入语的作用,所以它会截断一个句子的正常展开,打断阅读思路的流畅性,从而增加复杂性。
11.In the early 1960s, George Bornemissza, a scientist at the Government’s premier research organisation, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, suggested that dung beetles should be imported to Australia.
12.One good solution is car-pooling, an arrangement in which a certain number of people sharing the same destination share the use of one car.
解析 我们不难从11、12两个例句中发现,是另外一种标点符号让这两个句子变长了,那就是逗号。逗号虽然没有破折号那么引人注目,但它有时在句中起解释的作用,即对前面的信息加以解释或补充说明。从语法上讲,逗号常被用来分割同位语。很显然,同位语和处于前面被说明表达的内容,只取其一即可,无须兼得。
这样,例11的主干是:George Bornemissza suggested that dung beetles should be imported to Australia.而例12的主干为:One good solution is car-pooling.
13.The dramatic changes to the environment that are now a feature of our daily news are not exactly new:fields that were once teeming with life are now long gone.
解析 看出来了么,上面的句子中又有一个标点符号在“惹事”——冒号。冒号通常的作用是对上文的信息加以补充说明。所以我们的处理法则也是对其后的内容忽略不计。
14.She also claims that those who think the more intense the exercise the better are wrong.
15.Dr Hardman found that the blood fat levels in those people who had done some low-intensity exercise before eating were 30 percent less than those who had done nothing.
解析 你注意到上面两个句子有一个共同点吗?——它们的宾语都是由that从句充当的。在前面讲如何对付定语从句时,我们的策略是直接先把定语从句删掉。这个办法对于含有宾语从句的句子适用吗?我们来试试例14删掉宾语从句,留下she also claims,此时我们仍然不明白该句的大意。所以对宾语从句,我们要采用相反的策略——把理解的重心转向宾语从句。按照上面的分析,例15的重心应该是that后面的部分。但是同时我们发现宾语从句部分又都含有who引导的定语从句。依据前面的知识,我们要再把定语从句删掉。这样,例14的主干是:She also claims that those are wrong.例15的主干是:Dr Hardman found that the blood fat levels in those people were 30 percent less than those……
16.The fact that adults find it harder to learn musical instruments than children points to a second type of mental loss with age—a reduction in learning capacity.
17.The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact that older contestants in quiz shows are just as fast and accurate in responding to general knowledge questions as younger competitors.
解析 你是不是已经观察到上面两个例句的共同点了?它们都含有the fact that……。—般情况下,the fact后面的that都是同位语从句。对付同位语从句的办法与对付定语从句的办法一样——直接先把从句括起来。因此,例16的主句就是The fact points to a second type of mental loss with age.例17的主句是The beneficial effects of continued mental activity are shown by the fact……
18.The most likely result is that a trend that is already well established will continue:countries giving preference to workers with skills.
解析 从粗体部分你应该已经知道了是什么让这个句子变复杂的吧,就是一个表语从句(be动词后面的部分通常叫表语)。我们如果像对付宾语从句一样直接把从句删掉,这个句子就没意义了。所以我们处理含有表语从句的句子时通常是把理解的重心转向表语从句。但是,上面的句子我们发现表语从句中还包含了一个定语从句。我们不妨先把定语从句删掉,同时把表示补充说明的冒号后的内容也删掉。这样,最后就剩下了The most likely result is that a trend will continue.
19.Even if the percentage of malicious users is small, the increase in size of the internet and in the number of incidents of failed security is significant.
20.When this groundwater enters the root zone of the cultivated plants which are naturally not salt tolerant, the plants die.
解析 例19中even if引导的是让步状语从句,例20中when引导的是时间状语从句。状语从句中常见的有时间状语、地点状语、目的状语、结果状语、方式状语、让步状语、条件状语、原因状语及比较状语从句。无论它是什么样的状语从句,我们在处理的时候,都可以先忽略它们,但并不是完全把它们删掉。我们可以在弄清主句后回头再看这些重要的信息。
因此,例19的主干是:Even if……the increase in size of the Internet and in the number of incidents of failed security is significant.例20的主句是When……the plants die.
21.The struggle to maintain adequate and appropriate levels of health carein underdeveloped countries will continue to represent a major challenge to organizations such as Healthcare Worldwide and UNICEF.
22.Many experts conclude that failure to take actionin order to limit the impact of human activity is taking a dangerous risk.
解析 例21和例22中的粗体部分都有动词不定式to do。不定式在句中常作主语、动词宾语、表语及定语。例21中的to maintain……就是作定语来修饰the struggle的。按照以前我们所说的,对定语我们是釆取先删掉的办法。因此,该句的主干是:The struggle will continue to represent a major challenge to organizations such as Healthcare Worldwide and UNICEF.
例22中的to take action是动词fail的宾语(fail to do sth.)。而to limit……是in order to do的固定搭配,用来表目的。而这一句中含有宾语从句,因此,这句的主干是:Many experts conclude that failure to take action is taking a dangerous risk.
23.Scientists suggest that a condition known as mild cognitive impairment, in which patients in their forties and fifties exhibit memory and recall problems, is very likely the first step along the way to Alzheimer’s disease.
解析 这是一个结构非常复杂的句子。首先我们看到了一个that引导的宾语从句,然后是过去分词known as作定语修饰a condition,最后是in which引导的非限制性定语从句。根据我们之前所讲的处理法则,先删掉两个定语部分,句子主干变为:Scientists suggest that a condition is very likely the first step along the way to Alzheimer's disease.