关键词:政府信息公开 第三方评估 法治政府透明政府
A bstract:In order to implement The Reg ulations on the Disclosure of Government Information and other related policy documents and enhance the effect of disclosure of government information in China, the Team of the Innovation Project on Indices of the Rule of Law of the Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, entrusted by the Office of Disclosure of Government Information and Openness of Government Affairs of the General Office of the State Council,hascarriedoutthirdpartyassessmentsof the implementation of the system of disclosure of government information by various organs under the State Council, local governments at the provincial level, and governments of municipalities separately list on the state plan in 2014.The Project Team carried out the assessments through examination and analysis of the work of disclosure of government information from the perspectives of disclosure at their own initiatives, disclosure upon the application, explanation of policies and response to public concerns over hot issues.The assessments show that these government organs have made evident achievements in con structing platforms of disclosure, intensified their efforts in the disclosure in key fields, established smooth channels of disclosure of upon application, and attached great importance to the explanation of policies and response to public concerns over hot issues.However, the assessments have also revealed some problems, such as the slowness in the construction of special organs responsible for disclosure, the incomprehensiveness of disclosure of some categories of information, and the lack of stand ard ization of thework of disclosure upon application.Based on the results of the assessments, the Project Team puts forward suggestions to the government organs on further strengthening institutional construction, and elaborating the standards and enhancing the effect of the disclosure of government information.
Key words:disclosure of government information, third party assessment, law-based government, transparent govern-ment