The Abbe Masson,priest of Vergt in Perigord,found the church in which he officiated so decayed and crumbling,that he was obliged to close it.It had long been in a ruinous condition.
The walls were cracked,and pieces of plaster and even brick fell down upon the heads of the congregation;and for their sake as well as for his own,the Abbe Masson was obliged to discontinue the services.At length he resolved to pull down the ruined building,and erect another church in its place.
Vergt is not a town of any considerable importance.It contains the ruins of a fortress built by the English while this part of France was in their possession.At a later period a bloody battle was fought in the neighbourhood between the Catholics and the Huguenots.Indeed,the whole of the South of France was for a long period disturbed by the civil war which raged between these sections of Christians.Though both Roman Catholics and Protestants still exist at Vergt,they now live together in peace and harmony.
Vergt is the chief town of the Canton,and contains about 1800inhabitants.It is a small but picturesque town,the buildings being half concealed by foliage and chestnut trees.Not far off,by the river Candou,the scenery reminds one of the wooded valley at Bolton Priory in Yorkshire.
Though the Abbe Masson was a man of power and vigour,he found it very difficult to obtain funds from the inhabitants of the town for the purpose of rebuilding his church.There were no Ecclesiastical Commissioners to whom he could appeal,and the people of the neighbourhood were too limited in their circumstances to help him to any large extent.
However,he said to himself,"Heaven helps those who help themselves;"or rather,according to the Southern proverb,Qui trabaillo,Thion li baillo--"Who is diligent,God helps."The priest began his work with much zeal.He collected what he could in Vergt and the neighbourhood,and set the builders to work.He hoped that Providence would help him in collecting the rest of the building fund.
But the rebuilding of a church is a formidable affair;and perhaps the priest,not being a man of business,did not count the cost of the undertaking.He may have "counted his chickens before they were hatched."Before long the priest's funds again ran short.He had begun the rebuilding in 1840;the work went on for about a year;but in 1841the builders had to stop their operations,as the Abbe Masson's funds were entirely exhausted.
What was he to do now?He suddenly remembered the barber of Agen,who was always willing to give his friendly help.He had established Mdlle.Roaldes as a musician a few years before;he had helped to build schools,orphanages,asylums,and such like.But he had never helped to build a church.Would he now help him to rebuild the church of Vergt?
The Abbe did not know Jasmin personally,but he went over to Agen,and through a relative,made his acquaintance.Thus the Abbe and the poet came together.After the priest had made an explanation of his position,and of his difficulties in obtaining money for the rebuilding of the church of Vergt,Jasmin at once complied with the request that he would come over and help him.
They arranged for a circuit of visits throughout the district--the priest with his address,and Jasmin with his poems.
Jasmin set out for Vergt in January 1843.He was received at the border of the Canton by a numerous and brilliant escort of cavalry,which accompanied him to the presbytery.He remained there for two days,conferring with the Abbe.Then the two set out together for Perigueux,the chief city of the province,accompanied on their departure by the members of the Municipal Council and the leading men of the town.
The first meeting was held in the theatre of Perigueux,which was crowded from floor to ceiling,and many remained outside who could not obtain admission.The Mayor and Municipal Councillors were present to welcome and introduce the poet.On this occasion,Jasmin recited for the first time,"The Ruined Church"(in Gascon:La Gleyzo Descapelado)composed in one of his happiest moments.Jasmin compared himself to Amphion,the sweet singer of Greece,who by his musical powers,enabled a city to be bui
The priest was overjoyed at the popularity of his colleague,and also at his purse,which was filled with offerings. While at Perigueux the poet and the priest enjoyed the hospitality of M.August Dupont,to whom Jasmin,in thanks,dedicated a piece of poetry.Other entertainments followed--matinees and soirees.Jasmin recited some of his poems before the professors and students at the college,and at other places of public instruction.Then came banquets--aristocratic and popular--and,as usual,a banquet of the hair-dressers. There was quite an ovation in the city while he remained there. But other calls awaited Jasmin.He received deputations from many of the towns in the department soliciting his appearance,and the recitation of his poems.He had to portion out his time with care,and to arrange the programme of his visits.When the two pilgrims started on their journey,they were frequently interrupted by crowds of people,who would not allow Jasmin to pass without reciting some of his poetry.Jasmin and Masson travelled by the post-office car--the cheapest of all conveyances--but at Montignac they were stopped by a crowd of people,and Jasmin had to undergo the same process.Free and hearty,he was always willing to comply with their requests. That day the postman arrived at his destination three hours after his appointed time.