There happened a circumstance in Nidaros, when King Olaf's coffin was being carried about through the streets, that it became so heavy that people could not lift it from the spot.Now when the coffin was set down, the street was broken up to see what was under it at that spot, and the body of a child was found which had been murdered and concealed there.The body was carried away, the street put in order again as it had been before, and the shrine carried on according to custom.
In the days of King O1af there were bountiful harvests in Norway and many good things.In no man's life had times been so good in Norway since the days of Harald Harfager.King O1af modified for the better many a matter that his father had inaugurated and maintained with severity.He was generous, but a strict ruler, for he was a wise man, and well understood what was of advantage to the kingdom.There are many stories of his good works.How much he loved and how kind he was to the people may be seen from the following words, which he once spoke at a large banquet.He was happy and in the best of spirits, when one of his men said, "It pleases us, sire, to see you so happy." He answered: "I have reason to be glad when I see my subjects sitting happy and free in a guild consecrated to my uncle, the sainted King Olaf.In the days of my father these people were subjected to much terror and fear; the most of them concealed their gold and their precious things, but now I see glittering on his person what each one owns, and your freedom is my gladness.In his reign there was no strife, and he protected himself and his realm against enemies abroad; and his nearest neighbours stood in great awe of him, although he was a most gentle man, as is confirmed by the skald.
King Olaf Kyrre was a great friend of his brother-in-law, the Danish king, Canute the holy.They appointed a meeting and met at the Gaut river at Konungahella, where the kings used to have their meetings.There King Canute made the proposal that they should send an army westward to England on account of the revenge they had to take there; first and foremost King Olaf himself, and also the Danish king."Do one of two things," said King Canute, -- "either take sixty ships, which I will furnish thee with, and be thou the leader; or give me sixty ships, and I shall be the leader." Then said King Olaf, "This speech of thine, King Canute, is altogether according to my mind; but there is this great difference between us; your family has had more luck in conquering England with great glory, and, among others, King Canute the Great; and it is likely that this good fortune follows your race.On the other hand, when King Harald, my father, went westward to England, he got his death there; and at that time the best men in Norway followed him.But Norway was so emptied then of chosen men, that such men have not since been to find in the country; for that expedition there was the most excellent outfit, and you know what was the end of it.Now I know my own capacity, and how little I am suited to be the leader; so I would rather you should go, with my help and assistance."So King Olaf gave Canute sixty large ships, with excellent equipment and faithful men, and set his lendermen as chiefs over them; and all must allow that this armament was admirably equipt.
It is also told in the saga about Canute, that the Northmen alone did not break the levy when the army was assembled, but the Danes would not obey their king's orders.This king Canute acknowledged, and gave them leave to trade in merchandise where they pleased through his country, and at the same time sent the king of Norway costly presents for his assistance.On the other hand he was enraged against the Danes, and laid heavy fines upon them.
One summer, when King Olaf's men had gone round the country collecting his income and land dues, it happened that the king, on their return home asked them where on their expedition they had been best entertained.They said it was in the house of a bonde in one of the king's districts."There is an old bonde there who knows many things before they happen.We asked him about many things, which he explained to us; nay, we even believe that he understands perfectly the language of birds." The king replies, "How can ye believe such nonsense?" and insisted that it was wrong to put confidence in such things.It happened soon after that the king was sailing along the coast; and as they sailed through a Sound the king said, "What is that township up in the country?"They replied, "That is the district, sire, where we told you we were best entertained."Then said the king, "What house is that which stands up there, not far from the Sound?"They replied, "That house belongs to the wise old bonde we told you of, sire."They saw now a horse standing close to the house.Then said the king, "Go there, and take that horse, and kill him."They replied, "We would not like to do him such harm."The king: "I will command.Cut off the horse's head; but take care of yourselves that ye let no blood come to the ground, and bear the horse out to my ship.Go then and bring to me the old man; but tell him nothing of what has happened, as ye shall answer for it with your lives."They did as they were ordered, and then came to the old man, and told him the king's message.When he came before the king, the king asked him, "Who owns the house thou art dwelling in?"He replies, "Sire, you own it, and take rent for it."The king: "Show us the way round the ness, for here thou must be a good pilot."The old man went into his boat and rowed before the king's ship;and when he had rowed a little way a crow came flying over the ship, and croaking hideously.The peasant listens to the crow.
The king said, "Do you think, bonde, that betokens anything?""Sire, that is certain," said he.
Then another crow flies over the ship, and screeches dreadfully.