第318章 Chapter XLV.
--But 'tis no marvel, continued the corporal--seeing my uncle Toby musing upon it--for Love, an' please your honour, is exactly like war, in this;that a soldier, though he has escaped three weeks complete o'Saturday night,--may nevertheless be shot through his heart on Sunday morning--It happened so here, an' please your honour, with this difference only--that it was on Sunday in the afternoon, when I fell in love all at once with a sisserara--It burst upon me, an' please your honour, like a bomb--scarce giving me time to say, 'God bless me.'
I thought, Trim, said my uncle Toby, a man never fell in love so very suddenly.
Yes, an' please your honour, if he is in the way of it--replied Trim.
I prithee, quoth my uncle Toby, inform me how this matter happened.
--With all pleasure, said the corporal, making a bow.