第28章 28th April,1835
To J.Tarn,Esq.(ENDORSED:recd.May,1835)ST.PETERSBURG,APRIL 28th [old style],1835.
I SEND you an account of monies spent in the editing of the Acts of the Apostles and the first volume of the Epistles.I beg leave at the same time to acknowledge the receipt of Mr.Jackson's letter.
I am sorry that any mistake should have occurred,but the cause of the one in question was,that at the time I last wrote to you,Iwas unable to refer to my previous account;however,the mistake now stands rectified.
I take this opportunity of informing you that I shall be obliged to order sixty or seventy more reams of paper,as the quantity which Iat present possess will not be sufficient to complete the work.
You will see the reason of this in the account which I now send you.In the first volume of the Epistles there are forty-three sheets,and in the second there will be nearly the same number;these two volumes in thickness will be equal to three of the previous parts.During the last month I have experienced great difficulty in keeping the printers at work on account of the festivals of the season,but I am glad to say that I have never failed to obtain six sheets every week.
I have received the Revd.Mr.Jowett's letter,and shall write to him in a few days.