Ta-den smiled and shrugged."We will not quarrel, you and I," he said to Om-at, "over that which all the ages have not proved sufficient time in which to reconcile the Ho-don and Waz-don; but let me whisper to you a secret, Om-at.The Ho-don live together in greater or less peace under one ruler so that when danger threatens them they face the enemy with many warriors, for every fighting Ho-don of Pal-ul-don is there.But you Waz-don, how is it with you? You have a dozen kings who fight not only with the Ho-don but with one another.When one of your tribes goes forth upon the fighting trail, even against the Ho-don, it must leave behind sufficient warriors to protect its women and its children from the neighbors upon either hand.When we want eunuchs for the temples or servants for the fields or the homes we march forth in great numbers upon one of your villages.You cannot even flee, for upon either side of you are enemies and though you fight bravely we come back with those who will presently be eunuchs in the temples and servants in our fields and homes.So long as the Waz-don are thus foolish the Ho-don will dominate and their king will be king of Pal-ul-don."
"Perhaps you are right," admitted Om-at."It is because our neighbors are fools, each thinking that his tribe is the greatest and should rule among the Waz-don.They will not admit that the warriors of my tribe are the bravest and our shes the most beautiful."
Ta-den grinned."Each of the others presents precisely the same arguments that you present, Om-at," he said, "which, my friend, is the strongest bulwark of defense possessed by the Ho-don."
"Come!" exclaimed Tarzan; "such discussions often lead to quarrels and we three must have no quarrels.I, of course, am interested in learning what I can of the political and economic conditions of your land; I should like to know something of your religion; but not at the expense of bitterness between my only friends in Pal-ul-don.Possibly, however, you hold to the same god?"
"There indeed we do differ," cried Om-at, somewhat bitterly and with a trace of excitement in his voice.
"Differ!" almost shouted Ta-den; "and why should we not differ?
Who could agree with the preposterous----"
"Stop!" cried Tarzan."Now, indeed, have I stirred up a hornets'
nest.Let us speak no more of matters political or religious."
"That is wiser," agreed Om-at; "but I might mention, for your information, that the one and only god has a long tail."
"It is sacrilege," cried Ta-den, laying his hand upon his knife;
"Jad-ben-Otho has no tail!"
"Stop!" shrieked Om-at, springing forward; but instantly Tarzan interposed himself between them.
"Enough!" he snapped."Let us be true to our oaths of friendship that we may be honorable in the sight of God in whatever form we conceive Him."
"You are right, Tailless One," said Ta-den."Come, Om-at, let us look after our friendship and ourselves, secure in the conviction that Jad-ben-Otho is sufficiently powerful to look after himself."
"Done!" agreed Om-at, "but----"
"No 'buts,' Om-at," admonished Tarzan.
The shaggy black shrugged his shoulders and smiled."Shall we make our way down toward the valley?" he asked."The gorge below us is uninhabited; that to the left contains the caves of my people.I would see Pan-at-lee once more.Ta-den would visit his father in the valley below and Tarzan seeks entrance to A-lur in search of the mate that would be better dead than in the clutches of the Ho-don priests of Jad-ben-Otho.How shall we proceed?"
"Let us remain together as long as possible," urged Ta-den.
"You, Om-at, must seek Pan-at-lee by night and by stealth, for three, even we three, may not hope to overcome Es-sat and all his warriors.At any time may we go to the village where my father is chief, for Ja-don always will welcome the friends of his son.But for Tarzan to enter A-lur is another matter, though there is a way and he has the courage to put it to the test--listen, come close for Jad-ben-Otho has keen ears and this he must not hear,"
and with his lips close to the ears of his companions Ta-den, the Tall-tree, son of Ja-don, the Lion-man, unfolded his daring plan.
And at the same moment, a hundred miles away, a lithe figure, naked but for a loin cloth and weapons, moved silently across a thorn-covered, waterless steppe, searching always along the ground before him with keen eyes and sensitive nostrils.