7.4 Ideal Current-Voltage Relationship
1. Assumptions
The ideal current-voltage relationship of a pn junction is derived on the basis of the following four assumptions.
(1)The abrupt depletion layer approximation applies. The space charge regions have abrupt boundaries and the semiconductor is neutral outside of the depletion region.
(2)The Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation applies to carrier statistics.
(3)The concept of low injectionapplies.
(4)The individual electron and hole currents are constant throughout the depletion region.
Fig.7.3(a)zero bias,(b)reverse bias,and(c)forward bias.
2. Ideal-diode equation
By solving the continuity equationfor minority carriers in the quasi-neutral regions near a pn junction based on the above assumptions,it is possible to obtain current-voltage characteristicsin the steady state for several simple cases with important practical applications. These solutions lead to the following celebrated Shockley equation,or ideal diode law .
ID=IS[exp(qVa/kT)]-1 (7.1)
where ID is the diode current and ISthe diode reverse saturation current .
3. The current-voltage characteristic
The ideal I-Vcharacteristic predicted by the above equation is illustrated in Figs.7.4(a)and(b)in the linear and semilog plots respectively. In these universal curves I and V are plotted as multiples of IS and kT/qrespectively. In the forward direction for Va> 3kT/q,the rate of current rise is constant [Fig.7.4(b)];at 300 K for every decade change of current,the voltage changes by 59.5 mV(=2.3 kT/q).
Note that the reverse current saturates for reverse voltages of more than about-3(kT/q).
Fig.7.4 The current-voltage characteristic on two different scales.