Passage 6
Richard Satava,program manager for advanced medical technologies,has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine,where computers create a“virtual”or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners(从业者).
“With virtual reality we’ll be able to put a surgeon in every trench,”said Satava.He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.
The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S.The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets(头盔)that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound.The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.
Although Satava’s vision may be years away from standard operating procedure,scientists are progressing toward virtual reality surgery.Engineers at an international organization in California are developing a tele-operating device.As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery,they move instruments that are connected to a computer,which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery.The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force,textures,and sound.
These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine.At Wayne State University Medical School,surgeon Lucia Zamorano takes Figure-s of the brain from computerized scans and uses a computer program to produce a 3-D image.She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest,least invasive surgical path to the tumor(肿瘤).Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions.While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain,she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patient’s brain taken before surgery.
During these procedures—operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered—surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view.And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can.
Satava says,“We are in the midst of a fundamental change in the field of medicine.”
1.According to Richard Satava,the application of virtual reality to medicine______.
A.will enable surgeons to be physically present on every battlefield
B.can raise the spirits of soldiers wounded on the battlefield
C.will greatly improve medical conditions on the battlefield
D.can shorten the time for operations on soldiers wounded on the battlefield
2.Richard Satava has visions of______.
A.using a remote-control technique to treat wounded soldiers fighting overseas
B.wounded soldiers being saved by doctors wearing virtual reality helmets on the battlefield
C.wounded soldiers being operated on by specially trained surgeons
D.setting up mobile surgical units overseas
3.How is virtual reality surgery performed?
A.It is performed by a computer-designed high precision device.
B.Surgeons wear virtual reality helmets to receive feedback provided by a computer.
C.Surgeons move robotic instruments by means of a computer linked to them.
D.A 3-D image records the movements of the surgeons during the operation.
4.During virtual reality operations,the surgeon can have a better view of the cuts in the body because______.
A.he is looking at the cuts on a computer screen
B.the cuts can be examined from different angles
C.the cuts have been highly magnified
D.he is wearing 3-D glasses
5.Virtual reality operations are an improvement on conventional surgery in that they______.
A.cause less pain to the wounded
B.allow the patient to recover more quickly
C.will make human surgeons’work less tedious
D.are done by robot surgeons with greater precision
Richard Satava是一位高级医疗技术方面的项目经理,一直积极推动把虚拟现实应用到医学领域,这使得计算机为外科医生和其他医疗工作者创造了一个虚拟或者模拟的环境。
这些技术奇迹可能还不能成为社区医院的设备,但是这些机器将日益应用于民用医疗。在韦恩州立大学医学院,Lucia Zamorano医生通过电脑扫描来获取大脑的影像,然后再用一个电脑程序做出3D影像。她在电脑屏幕上操纵3D影像来计算规划用时最短、伤害最小的肿瘤手术方案。Zamorano还使用在手术器械上安置探针以追踪其位置的技术。在进行大脑深部的肿瘤切除时,她可以观察手术器具在事先做好的电脑上的大脑图像中的运动。
1.选C。本题问根据Richard Satava,虚拟现实技术在医学上的应用会有什么后果?Satava在本文第二段中说,拥有虚拟现实,我们将可以使每个战壕里都有医生;在最后一段中说,我们正处于医学领域的根本变革中。根据这两句,并结合整篇文章考虑,可以得出本题应选C.will greatly improve medical conditions on the battlefield将极大地改善战场上的医疗条件。A.will enable surgeons to be physically present on every battlefield,该选项和实际情况恰恰相反;B.can raise the spirits of soldiers wounded on the battlefield,文中根本没有提到提高士兵士气这一点;D.can shorten the time for operations on soldiers wounded on the battlefield,文中也未提及虚拟现实技术可以使受伤士兵的手术时间缩短。
2.选A。本题问Satava有什么设想?问题出处必须以Satava为主语,文中涉及Satava的句子并不多,我们可以迅速定位到第二段第二句,其中envisage和has visions of对应,本句大意为:他设想可以将海外受伤的士兵放在配有计算机的移动手术病房里。接着的第三段大意:计算机将把士兵伤口的图像传给远在美国的戴着头盔的医生,头盔上会有图像显示。根据以上内容,答案可以确定为A.using a remote-control technique to treat wounded soldiers fighting overseas使用远程控制技术来治疗在海外受伤的士兵。B.wounded soldiers being saved by doctors wearing virtual reality helmets on the battlefield受伤的士兵在战场上被戴着虚拟现实头盔的医生救治,错在on the battlefield,因为原文说带着头盔的医生并不要亲临战场;C.wounded soldiers being operated on by specially trained surgeons受伤的士兵由受到特别训练的医生手术,原文没有提及;D.setting up mobile surgical units overseas在海外建立移动手术病房,和答案沾点边,但并不确切,没有说出虚拟现实技术的实质。
3.选C。本题问虚拟现实手术是如何进行的?根据关键词virtual reality surgery,可以将问题定位到文章第四段。该段第三句说,医生一面观察手术的三维图像,一面移动和一台计算机连着的手术器械,计算机将医生的移动信息传给实施手术的机器人器械,并向医生反馈关于力度、质地和声音的信息。据此,应选C.Surgeons move robotic instruments by means of a computer linked to them医生通过与之相连接的计算机来移动机器人器械。A.It is performed by a computer-designed high precision device,本选项错在computer-designed,文中并没有说高精度设备是计算机设计的;B.Surgeons wear virtual reality helmets to receive feedback provided by a computer这只是医生在手术时的一个局部情况,并不能说明虚拟现实手术如何进行;D.A 3-D image records the movement。
4.选D。本题问在进行虚拟现实手术时,医生为什么可以更好地看到身体上的切口?根据关键词better view等可定位到文章倒数第二段第一句,During these procedures和题干During virtual reality operations对应,本句大意为:在这些操纵微型摄像头和手术器具、通过身体上的小切口进行手术的过程中,医生戴着3D眼镜以获得更好的视觉。可见医生看得更好的直接、根本的原因就是因为戴了3D眼镜,因此选D.he is wearing 3-D glasses。A.he is looking at the cuts on a computer screen,该选项未突出题干中的better view的意思;B.the cuts can be examined from different angles,文中并未提及;C.the cuts have been highly magnified该选项只是现象,而非原因。
5.选D。本题问虚拟现实手术在哪方面是对传统手术的改进?文中第四段、第五段讲了虚拟现实手术由机器人器械进行,医生通过计算机来控制,通过计算机生成的3D图像来确定最短的、危害最小的手术途径等,都说明了虚拟现实手术比传统手术的先进性,D.are done by robot surgeons with greater precision最好地结合了两段的内容。文中没有提到虚拟现实手术可以使伤者的痛苦小点,可以使病人更快康复,可以使医生的工作不枯燥,所以A.cause less pain to the wounded,B.allow the patient to recover more quickly和C.will make human surgeons’work less tedious均应排除。
advanced adj.先进的,年老的,高级的
medical adj.医学的,医疗的
virtual adj.实质的,虚拟的
simulated adj.模仿的,冒充的,模拟的
environment n.环境,外界
surgeon n.外科医生
transmit vt.传输,传达,发射,传递
image n.图像,肖像,形象
guide vt.管理,带领,指导
robotic adj.机器人的
instrument n.工具,手段,器械,仪器
battlefield n.战场
practitioner n.从业者,开业者
envisage vt.构想,想象
wounded adj.受伤的
overseas adv.在海外
mobile adj.易变的,机动的,可移动的
surgical adj.外科的,外科医生的,手术的
surgeon n.外科医生
helmet n.头盔,钢盔
screen n.屏幕
display vt.陈列,展览,展示
operate vt.操作,运转,开动,做手术
perform vt.履行,执行,表演,从事
tumor n.肿瘤
graphic n.图像
procedure n.手续,程序
texture n.纹理,肌理,结构,质地
machinery n.机器,机械
miniature adj.微型的,缩小的
maneuver vt.移动,操作
view n.观点,见解,意见,景象
1.Richard Satava,program manager for advanced medical technologies,has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine,where computers create a“virtual”or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners.
【参考译文】Richard Satava是一位高级医疗技术方面的项目经理,一直积极推动把虚拟现实应用到医学领域,这使得计算机为外科医生和其他医疗工作者创造了一个虚拟或者模拟的环境。
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:(Richard Satava,//program manager for advanced medical technologies//,has been a driving force//in bringing virtual reality to medicine//),(where computers create a“virtual”or simulated environment//for surgeons and other medical practitioners//)。第一部分是主句,主干是Richard Satava…has been a driving force,第一个分隔号内是一名词短语,作主语Richard Satava的同位语,for…technologies是program manager的后定语,第二个分隔号内的in…medicine是范围状语;第二部分是where引导的非限定定语从句,修饰前面的medicine,其中的for…practitioners是范围状语。
【知识链接】program manager项目经理;driving force推动力;simulated environment虚拟环境;medical practitioner从医者
2.He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:(He envisaged a time)(when soldiers//who are wounded fighting overseas//are put in mobile surgical units//equipped with computers//)。第一部分是主句;第二部分是when引导的a time的定语从句,其主干是soldiers…are put in mobile surgical units,第一个分隔号内是who引导的soldiers的定语从句,主语是who,谓语是are wounded,现在分词fighting是伴随状语,overseas是地点状语,第二个分隔号内的过去分词短语equipped with computers是units的后定语。
【知识链接】surgical unit手术室;be equipped with装备有……
3.The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:(The surgeons would look at the soldier//through virtual reality helmets//)(that contain a small screen//displaying the image of the wound//)。第一部分是主句,through…helmets是方式状语;第二部分是that引导的helmets的定语从句,现在分词短语displaying…wound是前面screen的后定语。
【知识链接】virtual reality虚拟现实
4.The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,主句是The doctors would guide robotic instruments,介词短语in…unit是宾语robotic instruments的后定语,that…soldier是robotic instruments的定语从句。
【知识链接】robotic instrument机器人设备;in the battlefield战场上
5.As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery,they move instruments that are connected to a computer,which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:(As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery),(they move instruments//that are connected to a computer//),(which passes their movements to robotic instruments//that perform the surgery//)。第一部分是As引导的时间状语从句;第二部分是主句,其中的主语they指代前面从句的surgeons,分隔号内是th引导的instruments的定语从句;第三部分是which引导的定语从句,修饰computer,their指代前面的instruments,分隔号内是that引导的robotic instruments的定语从句。
【知识链接】three-dimensional三维的;be connected to与……连接
6.While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain,she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patient’s brain taken before surgery.
【结构分析】这是一个主从复合句,可以切分为:(While cutting away a tumor//deep in the brain//),(she watches the movement of her surgical tools//in a computer graphics image of the patient’s brain////taken before surgery//)。第一部分是While引导的时间状语从句,形容词短语deep…brain是tumor的后定语;第二部分是主句,in…brain是地点状语,过去分词taken是前面computer graphics image的后定语,before surgery是时间状语。
【知识链接】cut away切除
7.During these procedures—operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered—surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view.
【结构分析】这个句子的主干在最后,即surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses,for a better view是目的状语;句首的During these procedures是时间状语;破折号之间的内容是难点,不过整体上是一名词短语,作前面procedures的同位语,可以切分为:operations(that are done through small cuts in the body)(in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered),第一部分是that引导的operations的定语从句,in the body是small cuts的后定语;第二部分是in which引导的small cuts的定语从句。
【知识链接】3-D三维的;miniature camera微型照相机